People that say band is not a sport need to open their minds. We - TopicsExpress


People that say band is not a sport need to open their minds. We do just as much grunting and sweating as everyone else. Marching up and down the field for hours on end, Playing in the band room for what seems like millennium, and then meshing it all together in a 5-10 minute show which takes weeks to months to perfect. You footballers who think whove got it bad, come and try a week or two of band and see what you think of it. Football, you guys have to memorize plays. Well band has to memorize pages of music which with a lot of different sections of instruments to combine it into a harmony, takes forever to remember. Then we have to memorize field positions and then moving to those positions with either a curve, a sudden switch back wards, forwards, or sideways,straight, diagonal.... After that we have to memorize marching set to the music we already memorized. The wind section seems to have it good with holding up instruments and walking..... nooooo..... The winds have to memorize where their fingers go on the instrument for every note, then memorize when they can take a breath or not because the slightest mistake in how your breath can mess the whole band up. Then the drumline who just seem like theyre hitting drums randomly have to memorize which hand hits which drum at which time, and memorize beats that are so fast you would think a cars pistons are revving up. And colorguard, dont get me started. There is so much technique involved and athleticism required. It is a group of people who perform and tell a story together. Everyone has to move as if where one person. I know it may not have an offense or defense but it is a very competitive sport. Many people say that color guard is “easy;” all you’re doing is twirling a flag, right? Well, no, and even if we were, doing it with a weighted flag for several minutes while running around the field in step with everyone else, in time with the music, getting to the right place, and not hitting anyone else is incredibly difficult. However, along with doing drop spins, our work includes pull hits, swings, dancing, weapon work, and several kinds of tosses, to name a few things. Completing all of these successfully, especially tosses which you have to catch at the same time as the rest of the guard, and being able to do it for 5 to 7 minutes straight, requires timing, skill, strength, stamina, and cooperation, if you don’t want to get hit with a flag. Like some people already said a sport is something you compete to win in, and band definitely does that. We go to school marching festivals (competition) and even go to huge colleges and play and compete there. So yeah Band is a sport and dont dis drama or choir or debate either. They do just as much just you dont know it. So you people out there who think the people in band are just walking around blowing or beating and instrument and that the choir is just trying to make a nice noise, the debate team argues for the fun of it or the drama guys are on stage embarrassing themselves........ Then come and try it for your self and see what you make of it....
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:35:29 +0000

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