People think that the establishment of the Islamic state benefits - TopicsExpress


People think that the establishment of the Islamic state benefits only Amir Al-Baghdadi of ISIS... I say Subhan Allah! Establishing a state, with a house of wealth for the Muslims(Bait ul Maal), a Shariah court system, a Muslim army to defend the Muslims around the globe, a riba-free banking system, schools that promote Islamic education before anything else, a society with no prostitution or scantily clad women, a society that does not force you to intermix and so on and so forth... The Islamic state is not BAGHDADIS state... It is not JOULANIS state... It is not KING ABDUL-SHAITANS state... It is MY STATE, YOUR STATE, OUR CHILDRENS STATE... When I see the secularists promoting the fighting and siding particularly with the Islamic Front and Jabhat-al-Nusrah, it becomes clear that these supporters know the dangers of an Islamic state on them! I have full confidence that every sincere mujahid in Nusrah and Islamic front are fighting to establish the Islamic state. I have NO FAITH in the leaders of such groups however, because they had the chance to fix the state at the beginning, and rather than do so, they fought it fiercely and delayed its rise. Did you know that Dr Abu Rayyan (Who was killed by ISIS) played a role in a trap set for Dawlah that killed 6 of them? Did you know that Abu Saad Al-Hadhrami (The ex-amir of JAN in Raqqa) was killed by Dawlah because he committed an act of apostasy. The man was not from Hadramout, he was a tanned Syrian who had links to the regime and he leaked names of ISIS members to the regime. Did you know that Hajji Bakr, rahimahuAllah, established Jabhat-al-Nusrah in Syria and was killed by the Islamic Front, yet nobody made a sound about him? Did you know that there are Mashayekh in groups within Nusrah that freely travel to and from Saudi Arabia? I met one of them on both trips, and he refuses to make takfir on even the King of Saud? Is this the aqeedah of the Mujahideen? What mujahid rejects Kufr bil Taghout? There are MANY things people do not know, and Wallahi even if you SHOW THEM they choose not to know... Just because you do not know of something, does not mean it does not exist.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 20:25:17 +0000

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