People, today is Wendys birthday, and I am heart sore because, for - TopicsExpress


People, today is Wendys birthday, and I am heart sore because, for once, there is very little I can do for her on this special occasion. We are going through a really bad time. So I ask all of you that know her to please post a little Facebook message to brighten her day. I am also going to do something unusual today. I know its a very private and personal matter, but instead of giving her a birthday card with my message in it, Im going to show the world how much I love her by posting it here, and on her Facebook Timeline. Including a remix of the song I wrote for her. Have a wonderful Sunday my dear friends! My Darling Wendy This is probably the hardest birthday message Ive ever written for you. Not only because (once again) we are travelling together through a very dark landscape, but because this time I am also running on empty. Which all adds up to the fact that I have NOTHING to give you today! A thought which I find more abhorrent than many of my darkest ones. But I am going to use this opportunity to tell you some things I need you to know. Firstly, my indifferent manner towards you at the moment has nothing to do with you. Its the manifestation of a deepening dislike for myself, born out of an increasing belief that Im a failure. And while I can almost bear the thought of failing myself, I just cannot face the fact that I have failed you. Secondly, while I lash out at you in response to all the woes in my life (perceived and other) it is only because YOU ARE MY LIFE! I have never depended more, (spiritually, emotionally and physically) on a single human being in all my days. And this dependence has one root only; my absolute love for you. Thirdly, I WILL persevere, and I WILL get over it. There HAS to be some relief for people like you and me who have been given so many gifts, and try so hard. There HAS to be! And I will walk every inch of the way at your side until, together, we reach the top of that green hill we dream of and find a little cottage we can call our own, where we will settle down with our dogs and let go of the deep, dark breaths we have been holding. You, of all people, deserve so much more. Because you GIVE so much more. The second verse of the song I wrote for you, which Ive posted here today, says this best... MANY YEARS HAVE COME AND GONE, BUT LIKE A TOO FAMILIAR SONG, I WAS NEVER LISTENING WHEN I COULD. AND THERE BEHIND YOUR LOVELY EYES, THE SHADOWS OF THE SACRIFICE; YOUVE BEEN CARRYING MUCH MORE THAN YOU SHOULD. Bless you my darling. You are a one-in-a-million soul. Both gentle and strong at the same time. A beacon of strength in so many lives when you can barely scrape together two cents for the beacons batteries! Your goodness and innate warmth CANNOT go unrewarded. Your hopes and dreams will come true. Even if they dont come from me. All I ask is that I can always be by your side; riding shotgun like a tatty soldier, stumbling ineptly like a poor butler, or just holding you clumsily while we wade through another cold, muddy puddle. Because all I can give you is words, and my spirit, as inconsistent as it is. Oh yes, and LOVE. Because in the chaos of this untidy old heart I can still find much love. And give or take a dog or two, it all belongs to you. Happy birthday my sweet girl. Your loving husband DON xxx https://soundcloud/donclarke/almost-forgot
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:16:57 +0000

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