People try to say that we should NEVER judge anyone. they teach - TopicsExpress


People try to say that we should NEVER judge anyone. they teach this in the worlds traditional babylon church system. They base it on Matthew 7:1 however they take it out of context, they never quote the following verses. Notice verse 6. do not give what is holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls before swine or they will trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces. who is HE calling dogs and swine? PEOPLE! Yes Jesus actually called some humans dogs and swine! and how do WE know whether someone is a dog (Rev.22:15) or swine? we MUST make a righteous judgment! John 7:24 Notice that in Matt.7:2-5 Jesus says that we are to remove the beam out of our own eye FIRST and THEN we can see clearly to cast/take the mote/speck out of our brothers eye! So Jesus ISNT speaking against all judgment. HE is just speaking against unfair hypocritical judging. If we go thru life without judging anyone, we would end up dead very quickly at a very young age! We must make judgments about who NOT to hang out with, who NOT to listen to, who NOT to follow, who NOT to let in our car, etc etc etc. and EVEN who NOT to share certain precious truths with. i personally have seen Matthew 7:6 in action where dogs/swine would turn and tear me because i had spoken Truth. Now i understand we cant withhold just based on ridicule and persecution. i am VERY accustomed to that. We must expect the world to deny the truth. They love their traditions of man such as the pre trib rapture lie, the trinity lie, pagan christmas and pagan easter. but some go way beyond persecution and you will witness demonic manifestation. We must make a righteous judgment about who is of the devil and who to not waste our time on. yes thats right i said it and so did Jesus! Read His Statement! Even in Revelation 22 there are people who are dogs! THATS BIBLE! if you dont like it, take it up with GOD. i am just the mail man. just a messenger. hope the dogs dont come barking at me! Not that i am afraid of dogs. i love dogs. but i need to spend my time wisely on people who will receive the Truth instead of me having to constantly fight off the dogs. So thats why we MUST block certain dogs and wolves in sheep clothing.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:27:06 +0000

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