People try to show their love for God in many different ways. - TopicsExpress


People try to show their love for God in many different ways. Often their attempts are misguided and miss the target. Some people feel they must pray all the time or study scriptures for hours each day in order to show their love for him. Others feel the only way they can show God how much they love him is to always be right and never make a mistake. They are trapped in perfection’s web. Their spirituality has been reduced to the need to be right .Many people take a rigorous and disciplined approach to loving God. They have a long list of things they must do, and an equally long list they must never do in order to demonstrate their love. Fortunately, God is patient and kind with his children.He is willing to overlook the absurd things we do in our attempts to show our love.Loving God is easy, and anyone can do it. It’s so easy even a child can do it. Jesus said unless you become as a little child, you shall never enter the kingdom of God. You don’t need to go to a special school to learn how to love God. You don’t need to make a spiritual pilgrimage or talk to a guru to get it right. You send your love back to God by loving other people. It’s that simple. God must have loved ordinary people a great deal, because He made so many of them, and you are supposed to love them too. When you love other people, the love you send to others is reflected straight up to God. The more love you send to God through other people, the more love that passes through your life and the faster you are healed.The love that you send to others didn’t originate in your heart. God put it there, and when you send it to others, God gives you more than enough to take its place. When God sends his love your way, it doesn’t come as a trickle. It comes as a tidal wave. He fills your cup until it overflows. He keeps filling it until you have a clean mind and a pure heart, and then He fills it some more. The more you give, the more you get. The more you give, the faster it comes, and the quicker your emotional problems are healed. The more you give, the sooner you become a whole person. God works in his world through the power of love, but He uses you to spread it around. God is so smart. He knew that most of us would like to sit in our easy chair and order up a tall refreshing glass of his love. He knew how hard it is for people to escape from their narcissism and to start loving other people. He knew how much trouble it is for us to get involved in the problems of the world. Most of us would rather sit in our easy chair and make bun prints in the sands of time. This is why God made it impossible for us to receive love without sending it to others. What a great master plan. God has an ocean of love that contains enough for everyone. God will give you all the love you need if you are willing to spread it around. If you don’t send his love to others, you die of spiritual thirst. When you send his love to others, your cup overflows. What goes around comes around. There is no limit to how good your life can become when you send God’s love to everyone.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:48:35 +0000

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