People who are even thinking of justifying the UNHRC vote by India - TopicsExpress


People who are even thinking of justifying the UNHRC vote by India (which effectively went against Israel), should read these. 1) This is 180 turn from the parliament decision on Israel. 2) This is NOT at all palatable to the core BJP voters. 3) This is an open betrayal of a nation which supported India even in 1971, when it was not recognized by India. 4) The language used in the address by India looks like a copy and paste of some Islamic countrys speech (I know SM Krishna was not there). Occupied Palestine Territory, resulting in tragic loss of civilian lives, continuing commitment to, Palestine... What about the dozens of Israeli civilians who died? What about the Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and murdered? Is Palestine still occupied, if yes by whom? For the first time in Palestines history, Gaza and West Bank are ruled by Palestinians! What more they want? They have the entire 80% of Palestine Mandates Jordan available to them too. India used stupid Nehruvian psecular lines. 5) If tomorrow, some Muslim country wants to probe the alleged Muslim persecution in India, would you like them to come visit India? Lets say the latest Bengaluru gang rape case wherein all 4 arrested so far are Muslims. Think about the dangers of interfering in another countrys struggle for survival. 6) If tomorrow, some Christian country wants to probe the alleged persecution of Christians in India, would you like them to come visit naxal belt for an independent probe? Many Maoists now are Christians. Lets accept that either with or without the full approval of Narendra Modi, India goofed up big time. Yes, this doesnt matter to Israel as they care a damn for UN words. Last year they threw to dust bin 2 dozen such things from UN. Its the credibility of India at stake. Worst of all, India supported Pakistan, which has ZERO track record of human rights, particularly minority rights.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:17:48 +0000

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