People who are trapped in the fundamentalist Abrahamic religions - TopicsExpress


People who are trapped in the fundamentalist Abrahamic religions refuse to accept that their religions have played a part in the misery that has visited this planet for centuries now. The very notion that there are chosen people, that there are us and then the lesser others that must either be civilised or converted, subjected or wiped out is at the heart of the political strive and violence that afflicts the planet. This religious exclusivism is central to all the Abrahamic religions and has provided the logic for expansionism, colonialism, slavery, occupation, racism, exploitation and oppression throughout history... our current malaise summed up as the war on terror started with the romantic but mistaken notion that the Jewish question in Europe could be solved through the creation of the state of Israel, and during the Cold War the Christian fundamental alliance with Muslim Fundamentalism in the creation of terror groups to unseat secular governments that did not find favour with American and Western interests. Millions of other people in other regions many millions not part of the three Abrahamic religions have been dragged down by these three destructive creeds, all three of which also has a merchant/trader/profit motive into a cesspool of destruction and violence. No amount of verbal gymnastics by any of those trapped in these three institutionalised religious creeds will convince me otherwise, I will not be converted by people who cannot reason outside the limits of their religious dogmas. The west, Rushdie argues in Joseph Anton, is partly responsible for the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. Why? The west was involved in toppling the Mossadegh government. That ultimately led to the Iranian revolution. Thats one part. Another part is the wests support for the House of Saud. He writes: To place the House of Saud on the Throne that Sits Over the Oil might well look like the greatest foreign policy error of the Western powers, because the Sauds had used their unlimited oil wealth to build schools (madrassas) to propagate the extremist, puritanical ideology of their beloved (and previously marginal) Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and as a result Wahhabism had grown from its tiny cult origins to overrun the Arab world. Its rise gave confidence and energy to other Islamic extremists. theguardian/books/2012/sep/17/salman-rushdie-blackest-period-of-my-life
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:45:05 +0000

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