People who deny the authority of Hadith says that hadith was - TopicsExpress


People who deny the authority of Hadith says that hadith was written 2 centuries after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). So if we can not accept bible which was written 60 years after Prophet Esa As, then how can we accept Hadith? Plus Hadith was written by non arabs, so we can not accept it This is totally wrong. In reality, compilation of hadith started in the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on His own order. During the end of his life, the Blessed Prophet ? abrogated this restriction and gave permission for everyone to write his aúódõth. He said, “Write! There is no harm.” (Tadrõb al-Rówõ, pg.286) Once he said, “Preserve knowledge by writing it.” (Jómi‘a Bayón al-‘Ilm, pg.72) ‘Abd Allóh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘ôü said that the Blessed Prophet told him, “Preserve the knowledge.” He replied, “How should I preserve it?” He said, “By writing it.” (Mustadrak ûókim, 1/106) This is why many collections of aúódõth were compiled during the lifetime of the Blessed Prophet (pbuh) For example, there is the al-ýaúõfat al-ýódiqa [The Authentic Scroll] in which ‘Abd Allóh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘ôü ? wrote all the aúódõth of the Blessed Prophet. He himself said: I wrote whatever I heard from the Blessed Prophet ? and memorized it. Some members of Quraish discouraged me from recording the aúódõth. They said, “Do you write whatever you hear from the Prophet? He is a man; sometimes he jokes and sometimes he gets angry like any other person.” What they meant was that the Blessed Prophet ? may get angry or joke and say what he did not mean to say, therefore one should not write down everything he says. ‘Abd Allóh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘ôü brought this to the Blessed Prophet’s ? attention. The Blessed Prophet pointed to his lips and said, “I swear in the name of Allah, in whose hands is my life, that nothing but truth comes from these two lips.” (Sunan Abo Dawud) It is known that Abñ Huraira ? recorded the largest collection of aúódõth, which was also documented. Imam Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr narrates on the authority of ûasan ibn ‘Amr, who says: I narrated a úadith to Abñ Huraira ? but he rejected it. I said, “I have heard this úadith from you.” He said, “If you have heard this úadith from me, then I must have it written down.” He held my hand and took me to his room. He showed me his library of books that comprised of his narrations from the Blessed Prophet ?. He found the úadith I had narrated in the books. After that, Abñ Huraira ? said to me, “Did I not tell you that if I narrated any úadith to you I must have it written down?” (Mustadrak ûókim, 3/584) Anas ? also wrote down his collection of aúódõth. Sa‘õd ibn Hilól says in the Mustadrak of ûókim: When we asked a lot of questions, Anas ? pulled out a big bag, opened it and would say, “These are the aúódõth that I have heard from the Blessed Prophet ?. I wrote them down and have already shown them to the Blessed Prophet ?.” (Mustadrak ûókim, 3/664) Sayyidina Abu Huraira (RA) reported that an Ansari man used to sit in the Prophet’s assembly. He heard from him his ahadith and loved them much, but he could not remember them. So, he complained about it to Allah’s Messenger (SAW) saying “O Messenger of Allah (SAW) (SAW) do hear from you the hadith and love them, but I do not remember them” So Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said “Seek help with your right hand “ and gestured with his hand that he should write them down. (jamia Turmazi, vol 2, no 575) Narrated Abu Huraira: When Allah gave victory to His Apostle over the people of Mecca, Allahs Apostle stood up among the people and after glorifying Allah, said, Allah has prohibited fighting in Mecca and has given authority to His Apostle and the believers over it, so fighting was illegal for anyone before me, and was made legal for me for a part of a day, and it will not be legal for anyone after me. Its game should not be chased, its thorny bushes should not be uprooted, and picking up its fallen things is not allowed except for one who makes public announcement for it, and he whose relative is murdered has the option either to accept a compensation for it or to retaliate. Al-Abbas said, Except Al-ldhkhir, for we use it in our graves and houses. Allahs Apostle said, Except Al-ldhkhir. Abu Shah, a Yemenite, stood up and said, O Allahs Apostle! Get it written for me. Allahs Apostle said, Write it for Abu Shah. (The sub-narrator asked Al-Auzai): What did he mean by saying, Get it written, O Allahs Apostle? He replied, The speech which he had heard from Allahs Apostle . (Sahi Bukhari, Vol 1, no 2329)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 09:41:33 +0000

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