People who know me quite well will know that the book of Leviticus - TopicsExpress


People who know me quite well will know that the book of Leviticus is my favorite book of the Bible. Not a common claim. Many people dont even read it. However, it is the current Torah reading and this week is one of the hidden gems of the book. The portion is about sores and burns, about lesions, and purity after childbirth. Not exciting you say? Leviticus 12 31. But when the kohen looks at the nethek lesion, and, behold! its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, the kohen shall quarantine [the person with] the nethek lesion for seven days. 32. And the kohen shall look at the lesion on the seventh day. And, behold! the nethek has not spread, and no golden yellow hair was in it, and the appearance of the nethek is not deeper than the skin. 33. he shall shave himself, but adjacent to the nethek he shall not shave, and the kohen shall quarantine [the person with] the nethek again for seven days. 34. Then the kohen shall look at the nethek on the seventh day. And, behold! the nethek did not spread on the skin, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, the kohen shall pronounce him clean, and he shall immerse his garments and become clean. Still not impressed? Look deeper into the text...can you see a snap judgement here? Do you see a harsh verdict? I dont. God provides chances to prove the heart. God shows mercy and gives time again and again so that purity is revealed. I LOVE this. Grace and mercy are not reserved only for the gospels!!!! God is the same loving God here in this book about purity, as much as He is lovingly in the letters by Paul. Mercy is His heart and this book reveals His desire to draw near. Conditions exist, no doubt about that, but He goes above and beyond to make a way for us to be close. Finally, He sent His Son to cover all these sores, to heal all the deformities and to cleanse all the unrighteousness, but I see His heart revealed here just as strongly. Do you?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:35:23 +0000

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