People who know me well might have realized by now that I write - TopicsExpress


People who know me well might have realized by now that I write only about me. Some friends have interpreted it as traits of Narcissism, and some have interpreted it as, sticking to my own business. The truth is, I write about me because, that is the only perception of life that I can vouch as credible because I have seen it, felt it and lived it. When people ask in disbelief whether an incident I wrote really happened ? I always ask in my mind What is so extraordinary in the incident, doesnt it happen to everyone? But later on while seeing a movie few days I realized why probably I have more incidents in my life than many. The movie starts like this which is the voice-over of an author It is an extremely common mistake. People think the writers imagination is always at work, that hes constantly inventing an endless supply of incidents and episodes; that he simply dreams up his stories out of thin air. In point of fact, the opposite is true. Once the public knows youre a writer, they unknowingly bring the characters and events to you. As long as you maintain your ability to look, and to carefully listen, these stories will continue to... How true :) and on that note, I start todays status. Through my public page Praveen P Gopinath (Mr Mallu ) I interact with a lot of people. Mostly people who have read my book Being Moon on 31st Crossroad. I guess after reading my book and realizing the fact that I am a person with lot of imperfections and have had lot of failures, people are at ease to tell me their story. They are most of the time not uncomfortable to tell me about their failures or imperfections. Few days back I was chatting with a girl. Very charming and bubbly. She told me about how she liked my book, about some incidents in it and how she could relate to it. She told me that she is separated and is going to have a divorce soon. The best thing I loved about her is not even once did she say anything bad about her husband. She told how much she missed him and wished and prayed that everything would be fine someday. I could always realize a hidden glum in her words. She used to tell me when it is her anniversary, or probably when her marriage pic is selected in some competition and the published. She even messaged me the pic that was published in a page called Kerala Marriage .But the selfish me, would for a moment feel bad for her, and then forget about the whole incident completely. Few days back, I was chatting with a guy, who has read my book and status updates. Very handsome and jovial person. In between I realized he and his wife is staying apart and how much he wishes that they were together. The chats continued and I realized how much he misses his wife. When I asked about his future, his reply was I miss my wife whom I love so much...more than words can say....I hope shell forgive me for my mistakes and come back to me soon, I have changed myself so much, sometimes you just have to sacrifice things you liked to get back what u love the most...that is what I am doing...only if she knew... I am going to my native next hopes that she agrees to meet me... Not even a single day has passed without me praying to God for her and us to be together... I so wish she talked to me and meets me ..forgives me ... I have sacrificed a lot to get back.. Wish she knew ... and how I wish she came to me and hugged me pardoning me for everything. I hope to get to see her soon ..bury all the things that happened in the past and be together for the rest of our lives ... I want to be there for her share all our happiness n sorrows ..share everything with her ... Be her strength .. Be the shoulder for her whenever she is in need for it... Be her constant companion for life n give her unlimited love unconditionally... But the selfish me, felt bad for a moment reading his message and then forgot about the whole incident completely. But yesterday while I was casually going through the messages, I saw the pic that the girl send me long back and was pleasantly surprised to see the groom. It is the same person, whom I have been chatting the whole time. Both of them are not in each others list, probably unfriended or blocked. I laughed out loud thinking the funny situation . The guy who misses his wife and the girl who misses her husband is actually the couple. I decided to mind my own business and went to sleep. I woke up with a heavy feeling. What if, I had a role to play in their life ? What if they dont know how much they love each other ? So at last decided to write this. I know both of them are my regular readers, so wouldnt miss this status. So if the two of you are listening, I dont intent to infringe on your privacy and me advocating for happily married life would be like Devil advocating for kindness. I know it is none of my business. I dont know what happened between the two of you and I really dont wish to know. Even if you actually go through a divorce, I might feel sad for 30 seconds maximum and after that I will go back to looking for the likes on my page and replying to comments in it. All you need to know is, Life doesnt have perfect people. Its a myth. There is no perfect partner. As I always say, Perfect people arent real and real people arent perfect, So its better to love them for their imperfection than hate them because they are real. There is no guarantee that the next person you marry would be better than the one now. I didnt mean you should be adjusting your whole life in an unhappy marriage but when both of you love so much, give it one last try. You havent lived an year together have you ? It is always good to have issues in the beginning of a marriage and sorting it out early than after years pass by. Never write off a person. People change, I have, so everyone can. Anyways, I did my part by letting both of your know about your emotions. Do let me know if you are back together and send me a pic of you together holding my book. :) Give it one last try, what if you are to live a life together happily ever after. As they say, What and If are two different words, but if put together, that What If has the power to haunt you for the rest of your life
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:31:55 +0000

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