People will get pissed off when you steal from them but when the - TopicsExpress


People will get pissed off when you steal from them but when the local and federal govt. do it year after year no one bats an eye lash and accepts it. F THAT SHIT!! DONT VOTE FOR THE ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR IT, and I personally say even if that means not voting for anyone!! People say well you dont have any right to complain then. Uhhh no, I have every right to complain and in any open forum. I choose to not vote for particular positions because no one is fit to fill them. So why would I settle for a candidate whos going to half ass his oath/job? Ask any businessman if he would rather hire someone who would half ass their job or just rather do it himself and avoid all the headache. Definition of insanity is to do something repeatedly, expecting a different result each time. So why are you voting for the same dumbasses (democrats / republicans) who promise change but destroy the country and its core values in the process!?! Quit conforming and introduce a LITTLE anarchy to the conformists. The same ones that voted for these jackasses running the country into the ground. Unless slavery is something you favor. Men and women of armed services you took an oath to defend this country from both foreign and domestic but the govt. of the nation you took it for wants you to focus on the foreign rather than the domestic. Last I checked your oaths dont end when your discharge papers are served and if it does it shows where your heart really is and frankly you dont deserve to serve. Thats not a knock at anyone serving whos heart is truly in it. I appreciate the service you provide and support you. Its the others in it for the perks I am referencing. I may be harsh and you can call it whatever you want. Ill tell you one thing I am as always have been is real.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 17:22:15 +0000

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