Peppi purloined a pair of purple pyjamas with pink porcupine - TopicsExpress


Peppi purloined a pair of purple pyjamas with pink porcupine prints, from a Pick n Pay in Pelindaba this past palm Sunday. Proudly puffing his powerful-smelling pipe, he pressed past a prairie of people paralysed by prayer on the pavement of poor Pelindaba. Preoccupied with their palm prayers the people presumed Peppis powerful pectorals to be just that - pectorals, not a parcel purloined from the Pick n Pay. Pumping his powerful legs past a pizza parlour Peppi perchance perceived the profile of a paraplegic policeman painstakingly perambulating the pavement. Peppi perceived palpitations of his pulmonary vein recalling how the paraplegic policemand pounced on him the previous palm Sunday at a Sizzling Steak near Sterkfontein where they sell schnitzel that is almost schizophrenic: it cant decide if it wanted to be a schnitzel or a steak. Or maybe it was steak for southern suburbs schmucks, the fast-talking high-rollers with misplaced chutzpah? So when Peppi cases the policeman he picks up speed, praying to himself: Peppis God please let Peppi not be pounced upon by the paraplegic policeman! Peppis God must perceive just how embarrassing it must be - to be pounced upon by a paraplegic policeman on palm Sunday, outside a Pick n Pay in Pelindaba. Pleases Peppis God. Peppis prayer is so powerful it paralyses him to the spot on the pavement. The paraplegic policeman, a proud smile plastered on his pug face, pounces on Peppi. Paraplegic Policeman purrs: Punk, who purloins a pair of purple pyjamas with pink porcupine prints from a Pick n Pay in Pelindaba? Society must be rid of tasteless punks like you. Peppis says it was but a joke. Paraplegic policeman purrs: A joke, huh? The murderous mosquitoes of Modderbee prison cant wait to probe their way past your purple pyjamas. Is that a leopard print pair of underpants, Peppi? Good morning, South Africa. Now that my fingers are warm, let me do some work.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:14:16 +0000

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