Per ~ Albert R. Killackey, Esq. : This is a great read and please - TopicsExpress


Per ~ Albert R. Killackey, Esq. : This is a great read and please share with your family and friends. Thanks, Bert! The Roberts 5; the guys Ike warned us about! The Roberts 5 Assault is their holding in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, which anchors the global corporate takeover of America, an organized plot spanning decades beginning with brainwashing Americans to depend on sound bites to be informed rather than reading and now The Roberts 5 betrayed our American Creed; we must Amend our Constitution! The Roberts 5, Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito, of the Supreme Court of the United States committed the most disastrous global corporate assault through misplaced power against we the people and our American Creed since King George III of England impelled us to declare Independence. The Roberts 5 Assault is a corollary of The Dred Scott Decision leading to the Civil War which said a person, a slave, is property with no rights. The Roberts 5 say property, a corporation, is a person with rights. That pathetic obsession with property is a betrayal of we the people and our American Creed. The Roberts 5 sided with property, united corporations, using the deceptive title “Citizens United” to write their subversive assault; unlimited global corporate money in law making! Until it is nullified by Amendment it will bleed us of our wealth fighting the endless for-profit destruction of our economy, lives and Earth. The spirit of the law necessary to nullify The Roberts 5 Assault is their target; our Creed. Our American Creed was asserted by Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she asked the lawyer representing the property, “…are you taking the position that there is no difference in the First Amendment rights of an individual? A corporation, after all, is not endowed by its creator with inalienable rights.” Our Creed was established in The American Revolution against King George III and his corrupt House of Commons which granted tax-cuts and deregulation to the British East India Corporation and taxed Americans to enforce the scheme. Those policies impelled the Sons of Liberty to Direct Action; the Boston Tea Party! The tea dumped into Boston Harbor was untaxed and deregulated global corporate cargo! Had those corporatists been permitted to make one global corporation a virtual lord of tea, global corporations would soon control all goods sold; our wealth would be siphoned off to a global corporate economy! Our Minutemen fired back with The Shot Heard Round the World. Thomas Jefferson recorded the glory of our Minutemen, our Creed, in our Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,…” The Roberts 5 ignored the driving force of our Revolution written in our Declaration of Independence thereby saying our Creed, the spirit and intent of the law, is not the letter of the law; it’s not written in our Constitution! President Dwight D. (“Ike”) Eisenhower warned us to secure our Creed, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” The global corporate takeover of America began soon after Ike’s warning. Here’s what’s happening and how to fix it. Phase 1 of the corporate takeover is the dumbing down of America. The First Amendment was intended to secure the freedom of expression of an individual person; not social influence by global corporate media conglomerates like Comcast, News Corp. Time Warner and more. Thomas Jefferson had faith in a free press and people wanting to read, “that wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” Carl Sagan warned about not being well informed saying “[t]he dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.” George Orwell warned us “[h]e who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” Today global corporate media conglomerates control information about the present. Phase 2 of the corporate takeover is the Southern strategy! Richard Nixon, and every Republican Presidential candidate since him, has used the “Southern strategy;” the campaign strategy of the top 1%, to appeal to racists in order to divide and conquer blue-collar America. Here is why racists can be played; “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon B. Johnson. Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party freed the slaves causing many Republicans to register as Democrats and now appeals to racism to lure them to be today’s Republican base. Vice President Joe Biden summed it up, This aint your fathers Republican Party.” Hate will never cease as long as it is appealed to; hate must be disgraced, not validated! The fix is to call out these Republican candidates and unceasingly ridicule them for what they are; hate mongers for the top 1%! Phase 3 of the corporate takeover is Reaganomics! Ronald Reagan first gained political popularity supporting Proposition 14, in California which allowed landlords to deny renters housing based on their race, gender, marital status, and disability and once he became President his economic policies favored the top 1%; Reaganomics! Major tax-cuts for the top 1% and deregulation of corporations -- King George III and his House of Commons could only have dreamed of the monopolistic aristocracies which have formed within vital industries. It’s not just about tea or military arms anymore, it’s all goods sold; just a few global corporations control over 80% of our food supply! Economist Joseph Stiglitz warned us of the resulting redistribution of America’s middle class wealth, “The upper 1 percent of Americans are taking in nearly a quarter of the nation’s income every year. In terms of wealth rather than income, the top 1 percent control 40 percent.” The Big Lie that our nation’s wealth will “trickle down” if placed in the grip of the world’s richest 1% who control the stock markets (which have no allegiance to any nation or the Earth) created “The Financial Crisis of 2008.” Personal bankruptcies in America soared since Reaganomics and doubled again under President George W. Bush. As America’s middle class wealth is siphoned off to foreign tax-shelters, the tallest buildings and fastest trains are built in foreign lands. In 2008, the failure of Reaganomics compelled voters to elect a Democrat for President and The Roberts 5 quickly responded. Phase 4 of the corporate takeover is The Roberts 5 Assault; The Citizens United Decision! Corporation law is intended to allow a business property to be chartered which will be regulated and taxed in addition to the personal income taxes of shareholders and in return shareholders will not be held personally liable for damages or debts caused by that property; only the assets of that property can be seized to satisfy claims. The First Amendment was intended to secure our Creed of inalienable rights endowed in individual persons – rights which cannot be taken or transferred from individuals! For example, individuals have a right to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances but petitions are signed by individuals, not simply the whim of a CEO, and cash is not a petition! The Roberts 5 veiled our intentions by equating an individual speaker with an association and then a corporation and pulled those fast switches like court jesters playing a shell game with our Creed. The Roberts 5 fallacy reads like this; [A lone speaker’s political speech is protected by the First Amendment. Associations speak. Thus corporate political spending is protected by the First Amendment.]. As Justice Ginsburg chastened them, government cannot endow property with rights; that would require an act of God! The Roberts 5 then declared a century of campaign finance laws, which secured our Creed against the unwarranted influence Ike warned us about, to be an infringement upon their newly-endowed rights of property. Now every CEO of the Military-industrial complex has the power of a King to take, commingle and assert an aggregate of the alienated rights of shareholders when scheming with corrupt politicians. In logic, transferring attributes of individuals to inanimate property is called a “Pathetic Fallacy.” In Biblical terms it is “Idol Making;” violating God’s Second Commandment by claiming power to make paper property a person and then endow that graven image with a golden tongue knowing that candidates must bow to and serve that golden calf or loose elections. On a corporate balance sheet it’s “Services Purchased; Lawmaking!” In criminal law it’s “Bribery.” In Constitutional Law, organized betrayal to a sworn oath to protect and defend our Constitution in order to promote the corporate takeover of America is “Conspiracy to Commit Treason!” In political terms, The Roberts 5 subjugated our Creed that government is instituted to secure inalienable rights endowed in individual persons and substituted in its place a corporatist dogma that government is instituted to charter business properties with rights alienated from shareholders to secure it from the laws of people. Pragmatically speaking, The Roberts 5 opened our borders to a disastrous rise of misplaced power; unlimited, unwarranted and secret global corporate monies which influence our elections and lawmaking. The Roberts 5, appointed by the last three Republican Presidents, are the personification of what Ike warned us about! Justice Ginsburg’s question alerts us to the remedy for The Roberts 5 Assault; make our Creed, the Spirit and Intent of our Declaration of Independence and American Revolution, the Supreme Law of the Land! Phase 5 of the corporate takeover are “Foreign-Trade Zones!” Imagine a tax scheme where a global corporation can set up a trade port within a border located inside the United States where it pays no taxes but Americans pay all the taxes to provide the military, police, courts and prisons to secure the vessels, facilities, goods and profits of those global corporations and you should be reminded of those tea ships docked in Boston Harbor in 1773. The problem with that corrupt tax scheme is that a safe port is a valuable asset to private corporations (compare the dangers of docking in Somalia) and when private corporations use our costly assets without paying a fee our country’s wealth is gone forever! That was part of what sparked the Boston Tea Party and American Revolution. Combine that corrupt tax scheme with The Roberts 5 Assault and it makes clear The Citizens United Decision is not just about “corporate personhood,” it is corporate Statehood; corporate fascism! These corporate States do not send Representatives to Congress, they don’t have to, they buy the Representatives of the other States because as long as campaign contributions are considered “speech” those bribes can cross district lines. Phase 6 of the corporate takeover is union busting! America’s workers unions created the American middle class, the 8 hour work day, overtime pay, minimum wage, workplace safety, the Family Medical Leave Act but the main reason corporatists plot from inside government to bust unions is because unions inform American workers to unite against the global corporate takeover of America. Phase 7 of the corporate takeover is voter-suppression! The Roberts 5 in 2013, penned another subversive assault against we the people and our American Creed in Shelby County v. Holder which struck down as unconstitutional Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Here’s what they did; certain Southern States with an established history of violating the rights of African Americans to vote were legally bound to apply for Federal preclearance prior to enacting any new election laws and The Roberts 5 held that such Federal preclearance was no longer necessary to secure voting rights because voting rights are no longer infringed in those States; States where the Southern strategy has worked well for Republican candidates! Justice Ginsburg exposed the faulty logic of The Roberts 5, saying [t]hrowing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet. Here’s why they did it; the Presidential election of 2016, is the most important election in America’s history because the next President will likely have an opportunity to appoint two or more justices to the Supreme Court who will have lifetime appointments to either further the global corporate takeover of America or stop it. Immediately following The Roberts 5 destruction of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, States with Republican controlled legislatures began enacting discriminatory laws to negatively impact voter turnout by African Americans. The Roberts 5 Assault is destructive of our rights; Our Creed mandates us to Amend! Today’s corporations are more powerful and destructive of our economy, lives and Earth than all it’s predecessors plus organized crime combined yet it wails like a beast, “Get government off our backs.” Capitalism is like a fast racehorse but like a horse it will trample people to death unless there is a jockey on it’s back holding a whip in one hand and a reins held tightly in the other; strong government! Consider the glory of our Minutemen if The Roberts 5 told them a global tea corporation is a person with Free speech rights expressed in cash to keep we the people off it’s back. Here’s how to fix the problem; organize in your Congressional District to assure your Representative represents you and our American Creed! Do not reinvent the wheel for grassroots organizing; buy “Rules for Radicals,” by Saul Alinsky. Corporatists hate this book and that’s why you must read it, take notes, share it and discuss it. Reach out to family, friends, neighbors and persons involved with all political action causes and inform them we must Unite The Cause. Buy the film “Hot Coffee” and invite all to view it, take notes and discuss it. Invite all to walk the District, knock on doors to inform others and get the vote out! A picture is worth more than 10,000 words so make creative signs and folk art to attract attention and tell our story. For rallies create an indictment with people testifying with researched concise memorable lines alerting the public and press of specific bad deeds where corporations have been destructive of our economy, lives and Earth. For example, encourage people to become knowledgeable of one or more of the following concerns and speak as a lineup of witnesses of how corporations assault our rights to clean air, water, oceans and energy; peace, safe food and other goods; safety, equality and fairness at work; rights of small business owners and independent farmers. Identify specific CEOs; personify your targets on a poster; e.g., “Most Wanted – The Roberts 5!” Focus always on growing in numbers; use word-of-mouth, handouts, technology, social media, and Youtube to reach out to others; do what you do best! The goal is to go big and hold District town hall meetings inviting your Representative to inform them that they must publically support the American Creed Amendment and denounce all proposed Amendments allowing Congress to set limits on corporate political spending which only make corruption the Supreme Law of the Land; a get rich quick scheme for politicians! UniteTheCause is under construction and will soon provide more information and support for networking with others in all Districts and States. Albert R. Killackey, Esq. The American Creed Amendment Section 1. The Rights secured by this Constitution are among the equal and inalienable Rights of all individual persons only. Intent: This section is an equal rights Amendment for all plus inalienable Rights of individuals are the key words Justice Ginsburg alerts us to in order to restore the American Creed by making the spirit and intent of our Declaration of Independence the letter of the law in our Constitution. Thus associating with others cannot constitute an aggregate of alienated rights exercised by an association. Beware proposed Amendments using the word “human,” a term which does not now exist in our Constitution. The word “Person” does exist with centuries of case law applying it; thus using “person” avoids mischief over the spirit, intent and reach of this Amendment. Section 2. Neither The United States, nor any State, nor any political, judicial branch or creature thereof, nor any elected or appointed civil officer thereof, has power to grant Rights to anything. Intent: Government has no power to make property (a corporation) a person with rights. This parallels the Second Commandment and thereby may appeal to the “Religious right.” Section 3. Political contributions, monetary or in-kind, to promote political causes or in support of candidates for Political or Judicial Office or ballot measures for all elections held in the United States and every State, may only be made by individual Citizens of the United States but only for candidates or ballot measures which the Citizen making such contributions has a Right to register to cast a vote in support thereof on their ballot. The Congress shall have power to limit monetary and in-kind political campaign contributions but such limits shall be uniform throughout the United States and no such contributions can exceed a sum value of 50% of the annual income of a full-time minimum wage earner. Intent: Sets limits on campaign contributions affirming money is not speech. Only voters can make contributions, corporate lobbying is not allowed, contributions cannot cross District lines! Section 4. The President and Vice President of the United States shall be elected by the Citizens thereof. All elections for Political or Judicial Office, or for ballot measures, shall be uniform throughout the United States using voting technology provided by the United States. Voters shall have a means to confidentially confirm the recording of their ballot. All such elections shall continue for a period of seven consecutive days from 6:30 am until 8:00 pm each day. Intent: Affirms we the people are the sovereign of the United States, every government therein derives it’s just powers from our consent! We the People elect our President and Vice President! Section 5. All laws and judicial opinions contrary to this article are hereby nullified and all laws overturned thereby are hereby restored in force and effect consistent with this article. Intent: Activates the Amendment thereby nullifying The Citizens United Decision. Section 6. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. Intent: Grants Congress the power and a mandate to enforce the American Creed Amendment. Albert R. Killackey, Esq.
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 07:31:11 +0000

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