Perception! What is Perception? In my personal interpretation I - TopicsExpress


Perception! What is Perception? In my personal interpretation I see it as being a projection of a self associated identity in conjunction with the world that we have learned thus so far. We attempt to relate to every objective construction and circumstance with our subjective reasoning, logic, intuition, and thus interpret everything solely based upon personal judgments and opinions of historical speculation. What do we actually know about anything we see with our physical eyes? Do we truly understand without the shadow of doubt anything before us? If we are reliant upon our physical eyes and intellectual bits of aggregate knowledge to interpret everything, are we fully comprehending the totality of its value and meaning? Where does value and meaning stem from? Nothing has any value or meaning other than what we give it! If I say something or someone is worthy of my attentive energy and affection doesnt it hold sway over me? How powerful or powerless would this object or subject be if I payed it no attention at all? How would it affect me if I did? There is no reality outside of the self and thus I hold the power in each moment. Are we actually perceiving any animate or inanimate object around us or are we interpreting it based upon our learned associations pertaining to the object? Do we have clear vision of the world around us viewing everything and everyone with due clarity or are we still locked in the prism of our own mind projecting our own interpretations onto the outside world? I would have to say that if we are still dazed and confused about anything in particular we are currently immersed in a state of ignorance. Anyone who thinks that they know knows not! Knowing is beyond speculation and/or argument! The joy of being permeates throughout every experience and embraces every moment with fulfillment and resolve. Experience is the only true teacher, not logical inclinations that supersedes the efficacy of our inherent desires. Without innate desire, there is no means to propel oneself towards a worthy goal or accomplishment. Just a potential idea of possibility lingering upon the threshold of our uncertainties. Life is meant to thrive within the living, not to be speculated by the dead interpretations of cold logic. Though we may live within a mechanical cosmos, we are still sentient beings experiencing self subjectively from different vantage points. A wise man once said I think, therefore I am! But what is a thought but a self reflective idea within the parameter of a self associated perspective? And thus madness lingers before my very own inclinations of thought...COS
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 04:36:45 +0000

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