Perception has several definitions but for my purpose here it - TopicsExpress


Perception has several definitions but for my purpose here it means an individual or groups view of truth. It is not ”the truth” and varies from very near “the truth” to the point where it has deviated so far that it has only a passing acquaintance with truth. Some time ago both political parties learned that the closer an individual’s perception was to “the truth” the less reliable they were as a voter. As the political parties are all about themselves and their power and not about the people, they needed a way to create reliable automatic votes. In their quest for votes, both parties realized that the further they could drive individual perceptions from the truth the more reliable their voters would become. That is exactly what they did and are doing to this very day. Both parties have had success with the Democratic Party proving to be more adept at this than has the Republican Party. The success of the party efforts has been such that today sixty plus percent (approximately thirty percent for each party) of voters only vote for a candidate that subscribes to the correct political party. Not only are the votes reliable, the voters are completely receptive believing without question what their party’s leaders say. They pay no attention to what party leaders actually do. As a result political spin has morphed from one party highlighting the best parts of its programs while the opposition outlined the worst parts to spin that is complete and total fabrication and untruth. Do I have to tell you how much damage these efforts have done and are doing to the country? Do I have to tell you how much these actions show contempt for the people? I hope not as it should be clear. I will point out what I consider to be the most startling and damaging change of perception in my lifetime; the current perception, by large numbers of our citizens, of the two political parties. The Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, the party of emancipation along with a belief in opportunity and equality. That party is now perceived by a large number of people as destroyers of the environment, a party of haters and bigots that is only concerned with obtaining more riches for the wealthy and keeping the middle class and poor down any way they can. The Democratic Party, the party of segregation, Jim Crow and inequality. That party is now the champion of the middle class, defenders of minorities and avengers of the legacy of slavery as well as protectors of the environment, the scourge of Wall Street, big business, big Agra, big Pharm and anything else they can attach big to. Are the current perceptions of the political parties anywhere near the truth? Of course not. Truth is a very long way from the perception. The animosity and distrust emanating from attempts to maintain these perceptions prevent common sense actions on immigration, gun control, health care and other hot button issues. It is destroying the country, it is what both political parties have done with malice of forethought. As for the rest of us that don’t subscribe to either political party and wonder why anyone would claim to the Democrat or Republican, we must keep our own council and vote. Unfortunately we find ourselves voting for whomever we think will to the least damage. How sad is that?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 19:03:14 +0000

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