Perception is Nine-Tenths of the Law (of Truth) Possession as - TopicsExpress


Perception is Nine-Tenths of the Law (of Truth) Possession as nine-tenths of the law is a concept meaning that ownership is easier to maintain if one has possession of something, and much more difficult to enforce if one does not. Perception as nine-tenths of the law (of truth) is a concept meaning that the truth is easier to maintain if one has perceived the good in something, and much more difficult to enforce if one has not. Asking the Right Questions We have all taken those baffling questions in our lives and released them to a higher power, our higher self, our guides or angels. Why can’t I find a good job? Why can’t I find a good man? What is my life purpose? Those questions always get answered, but if they are not answered to our satisfaction it can bring about confusion, frustration, sadness, anger, etc. We often fail to consider the possibility that we’ve been asking the wrong questions. Perhaps we should start at the beginning instead of the end. What good is asking for love to come into our lives, if we have problems recognizing it? What good is asking to be led to our purpose in life, if we cannot recognize what brings us joy or what joy we bring to others? When you start at the root of the problem, you get to the truth of the situation. But how can we handle the truth of these answers if we do not know how to perceive the truth? Can You Handle the Truth? Asking for the truth can be a scary thing, and we put it off for fear that “we can’t handle it”. We sometimes associate the truth with cold, hard facts. Once you know the truth, where can you go from there? What if that truth is something that makes us look bad or feel bad, where can we go from there? What trumps the truth? When we are little, we are taught that the sky is blue, the ocean is blue, the grass is green, yada, yada, yada. “Facts” or “truths” are usually statements everyone can agree on, a consensus. It is not until we get older, and more experienced that we see that the sky and the ocean is not always blue, nor is the grass always green. We learn that always does not mean always. Our situations, our beings, our Self so greatly depend on these truths, yet we take them at face value and never contemplate the exceptions. Do You Know Your Truth? We perceive the truth when we check-in with ourselves. Most people feel they have an idea of what they want out of their relationships, and what things in life bring them joy. And those people are right. No one knows what is better for you than you. But sometimes we forget to check-in with ourselves and we carry certain ideas around with us for years after their expiration date. For example, I had a boss that had a habit of treating her employees and well as customers badly. After spending eight months on this job, and receiving accolade from my co-workers and higher-ups, she would repeatedly tell me, “I don’t think this is the right job for you.” This brought on tremendous emotion and physical distress. While at this job, it was hard for me to feel any kind of accomplishment or prosperity because of my relationship with my boss. I constantly asked, “Why can’t my boss see that I am right for this job and how well I can do it?” One day almost a year after starting the job, I was talking with a co-worker, who had similar past experiences with my boss, and I turned to her completely resigned and stated, “She’s right, I’m not right for this job.” Shortly after that I was actually recruited by another department for a position that would become vacant in the near future. In hindsight I realize that I was being given the answer in a myriad of ways. My emotions and my body were telling me that this was not the right job or environment for me, by being in constant distress. My boss was telling me, but I could only see her statement as derogatory. It wasn’t until I could use what I was being given for my greater good that I was able to move on. We constantly get answers to our dilemmas through our emotions, physical symptoms, and verbal exchanges. We are not always able to see them for what they are, so sometimes we need to sit down and review our current situations, past experiences, and needs without looking for a particular result or answer. We take an assessment of ourselves without judgment, like a getting a bill for services from your Self. In Conclusion The truth provides us with a great amount of freedom when we can perceive it and ultimately accept it. The truth is simply a point of reference for our experiences and if we choose to build on that truth it can stop us from continuing down the wrong path and make the right paths that much brighter.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:42:01 +0000

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