Perfect Balance on ARE LOW CARB DIETS DANGEROUS? I personally - TopicsExpress


Perfect Balance on ARE LOW CARB DIETS DANGEROUS? I personally believe in individualized nutrition. Going right back to Hippocrates and Ayruvedic Medicines, or more modern Metabolic Typing methods, its very clear that people will respond differently to the same foods, as biochemically we are all completely different. Try putting an Innuit Eskimo on a Vegetarian Diet and they wont do very well, whereas try putting a Quetchas Indian on a high fat diet and they will crash. Yet both groups who eat completely differently have no heart diease, cancers etc. However I also believe a so called low-carb diets to be a potential cure for many of the most common health problems in western nations. Ive done several posts on Low Fat Diets, how they are not scientifically valid and look around you, they simply do not work. However, low-carb diets (demonized by nutritionists and the media) have repeatedly been shown to lead to much better outcomes. Can I prove this, well here is the science! Every randomized controlled trial on low-carb diets shows that they: Reduce body fat more than calorie-restricted low-fat diets, even though the low-carb dieters are allowed to eat as much as they want (Refs 1 and 2). Read that one again, the low carb dieters could eat as much as they liked, whereas the low fat group where on Calorie restricted diets. The Low Carbers who had unlimited eating lost more bodyfat!! Kinda throws the a calorie is a calorie myth out the window right there! Lower blood pressure significantly (Refs 3, 4) Lower blood sugar and improve symptoms of diabetes much more than low-fat diets (Refs 5,6,7 and 8). Increase HDL (the good) cholesterol much more (refs 9 and 10). Lower triglycerides much more than low-fat diets (Refs 11,12 and 13). Change the pattern of LDL (bad) cholesterol from small, dense (very bad) to Large LDL, which is benign (refs 14 and 15). Low carb diets are also easier to stick to, probably because they don’t require you to restrict calories and be hungry all the time. More people in the low-carb groups make it to the end of the studies (ref 16 and 17). Doctors and nutritionists are meant to be bound by science. Next time your doctor tells you to eat less or go low fat, print these studies off and show them to your Doctor. Perfect Balance Take :- It is SCIENTIFIC FACT THAT Low-carb diets are the healthiest, easiest and most effective way to lose weight and reverse metabolic disease. However, everyone is different, and the leaner you get I like adding alot more carb sources back into peoples diets, especially if they are active. Carbs are not unhealthy, far from it. The more meat you eat, the more greens you should eat, this is an ACID/ALKALINE Balance. People forget Veggies and Fruits are carbs! its the grains I have the biggest problem with, and look at my article on BREAD to find out why. And as a wonderful poster flying around Facebook shows recently, anytime you see the words low fat, think to yourself Chemical Shit Storm! Many Thanks to Authority Nutrition for sharing most of this documented research. Kind Regards, Perfect Balance
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:18:49 +0000

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