Perfect Love casts out fear. The year was 1975, my daughter - TopicsExpress


Perfect Love casts out fear. The year was 1975, my daughter was Just 4 years old, my Son 6 years, when we took them to see their grandparents home in Portsmouth ,Ohio , On the way there we stopped at a store and got each of them a toy to keep them entertained for the trip, My son Mark got a dart gun and my daughter a little pink purse. While visiting, Dad and I were talking when my son came to the door, he stuck his head in and said Dad, Peggy got hit by a car! My daughter had left the purse I had bought her on the way there in the car, So she talked her brother into going across the street with her to get her purse. They got the purse and were on their way back across the street. My Son darted across the street , my daughter tried to keep up with him but she was much smaller and lacked the speed he had, She didnt make it a car hit her and then ran over her with both wheels, Now If it was not for the God that I serve, I could have just had no hope for her to make it or be alive, But I serve a Real true God and the Power of the Holy Ghost came on me with overwhelming Power, Gods presence was all around me, even rushing me out the door, not even touching the floor. As I went to the door where my son was, To be honest Im not sure if the door opened or I went through it? When I got out side a woman was running at me and screaming shes dead she is dead, I put up my left hand and just said someone come and take care of this woman, and she was gone from my sight. As I proceeded to my daughter laying in the street, I was looking for signs of life but she was not breathing and face down you could clearly see the tracks of the tires where the tires ran over her little body., But God was with me and the Power of the Lord came through me, as I waved my hand over he crushed body while I was Praying for her, Her bones came back together and the breath of Life came back into her, she got up and came to my arms and hugged me, As I held her my wife came out and I gave her to her . Then the Ambulance came and they took her to the Hospital in Portsmouth , Ohio when they let me go in and see her she had a tube through her nose and down into her stomach , they wanted me to let them go in and explore her insides. You could still see the imprint of the tire tracks on her dress, I first said No, for I was there when the Lord gave her back to me, I knew he had finished his work and restored her complete, But when I saw a little blood in the tube they had jambed through her nose and down into her stomach, I relented and signed the paper for them to take her to surgery. After the surgery the nurse came to me and said they couldnt find anything wrong with her but they took her appendix out, she explained that they have to do that when they open you up and it is exposed to air or they would in 5 days have to go back in and do it them. The nurse said they could find nothing wrong with her and she said she had a slight tear on the inside of her stomach, and that it was most likely done when they stuck the tube in her. Had I not been Baptized in the Name Of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost she would have been in the plot at the cemetery, Not where she is today living near me and I would not have the 4 grand children she produced. With out Jesus intervention she would not be here today for her body was broken and lifeless! Let us Pray, Father we have much to be thankful for, you love for us as we grow in you, takes away all fear, for if we have fear this brings doubt, but perfect love casts out all fear, that when we ask and doubt not you will fulfill or request, Father send us the power to overcome all things which come against us, for we battle not against flesh and blood but the evil in high places and satans devices, wake us and stir our hearts that we all will be strong in the power of your might when we are tested of satan, that we may over come all he throws at us, and wise enough to not fall for his tricks , in Jesus name
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:11:40 +0000

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