Perfect Love – LORD JESUS - TopicsExpress


Perfect Love – LORD JESUS CHRIST ------------------------------------------- People of this world search for Perfect Love and look into humans to find it. But when they come close to these humans they only face hurt, pain and cheat. Like to share someone who could love us, understand and accept us the way we are and HE is Our Savior Lord Jesus Christ. What is PERFECT LOVE ? It is Love without conditions. It is Love that does not demand (or) force the other to ‘do this or that’. It is Love that is self-sacrificing, an endless Love, Love that never stops or never fails, Love that does not move based on feelings (or) emotions, Love that can even give one’s life as a sacrifice, Love that is encouraging, Love that disciplines when correction is needed,Love that supports us all the time, Love that lifts us up, Love that understands, Love that strengthens us, Love that comforts, Love that is kind, Love that is patient in all things, Love that is not proud (or) boastful, Love that is not easily angered, Love that keeps no record of wrongs, Love that does not dishonor others, Love that hates evil and loves the truth, Love that protects , trusts, hopes and preserves and LOVE THAT WILL NEVER FAIL. This Love is found in Our Lord Jesus Christ. HE is Perfect in LOVE… For He is Love (GOD is Love) “For God so loved the World that HE gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” - John 3:16 But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us - Rom. 5:8 Our Heavenly Father has shown Perfect Love through His Son Jesus Christ. When we open our hearts and accept Him as Lord and Savior this Perfect Love – Lord Jesus Christ find place in our lives. As we walk with the Lord abiding in His Holy Word, this Love grows into measure after measure till it becomes Perfect.. Our Savior wants to reveal Perfect Love and make us grow in it. A person who walks with the Lord, God’s Love is manifested in His life. For all our efforts to love others will not bear fruit unless we respond to His love. As the Bible says, We love, because He first loved us- 1 John 4:19 .As we experience Gods love and respond in love, we are transforming into the image of GOD. We also will be fulfilling the Lords greatest command: “To love God and our neighbors” - Mark 12:29-31.This Perfect Love overflows into actions - 1 John 3:13.The witness of our love for each other will prove to the world that we truly are disciples of Jesus Christ. - John 13:34. May Our Lord Jesus Christ lead each one of us in experiencing Jesus Christ - Perfect Love every day in a new dimension and lead us into growing, abiding & walking in His Love.. Hear this Song Perfect Love of Jesus Christ and be blessed... youtube/watch?v=nKp71SaQz5E GOD BLESS
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:07:51 +0000

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