Perfect day. It was all just right. Slept deeply and enough, woke - TopicsExpress


Perfect day. It was all just right. Slept deeply and enough, woke up rested. Had perfect breakfast, no signs of tummy upset. Just had butterflies... But that is a good sign and glad I still feel butterflies. It was the right decision to not go and stay with the tema @ hotel. Staying home was relaxing, loving, homely... Got there with an hour to the start and wasnt that easy to find the elite tent. That was the worst bit of the day... Oce there, blood started flowing fast fast throughout my body to the loud music, which was also pumping fast. You just couldnt stop yoruself from dncing - so Argentinean... The course was flat, apart from one or two little challenges. It was, perhaps, bit too twisted in places. And definitely too quiet, hardly anybody in the streets. I felt so comfortable from the start. A group of girls sprinted off. I looked at the new watch and saw 5:50 pace... Thought: oh no! Its in km... I thought I set it properly... But it was 5:50 m/m .... Not sure I am ready for that pace yet? It was the Qualifying race for the Panamerican Games in Canada, so Argentinean girls went all out. Bumped into Kelo, it was emotional to see him and we held hands. If I was here, it is thanks to him. He was the one who followed me in the swimming pool, December 2013, asked about my running, trained with me the whole Summer in Argentina and convinced me it was a stupud idea to stop running marathons... He then spent months emailing me to convince me to come and run this race. Impossible, I kept saying that is an impossible weekend for me. Impossible is nothing. He was racing too and was alongside the fastest Arg girls. I stayed with them for a bit, but dropped back. Only one Argie stayed with me, just behind my shoulder. I felt I was stronger than her, kept pulling away. By the time we got to Km21 (half way) she shot off. It was really demorilising and, without realising, I slowed down. At the same time had a stitch and couldnt get rid of it. I managed to recomposed myself and kept pushing on. I had to keep reminding myself to go faster, my watch was showing good splits. Saw my dad, then my mum, then Mai, Marcos... Had some people who knew me routing for me on their bikes, every now and then... Suddenly, from km 30 onwards, what I thought it would happen, was actually happening... Started spotting the top Arg girls giving up, walking, jogging, stop-starting. I thought I knew it, I knew it, go go go And felt like flying. The girl (from Tucuman) who had shot off at km 21 wasnt in sight. But when approaching the Buenos Aires Port, someone said Vamos chiquita, la otra esta ahi cerquita, ya la tenes, basically go that she is not far ahead... Then I spotted her and remembered my last RR10, when I was stiff, tired, dead and I saw that Winchester girl who always beat me and thought prove it to yourself. Prove you CAN catch her And I did. So today, felt the same; instead, I said I WILL catch her . Saw MArcos who said she is just there, go for it And I did. I ran as fast as I could possibly ran. She was with a coach on his bike, who went off to ask someone for some water for her. I was so so so thirsty. I was dreaming with a drop of water. He looked at me, but gave the bottle back and tried to encourage her to speed up. forget it I thought. I will overtake her now. And, with about 5km to go, I left her behind. Someone said I was 7th, another person said I was 6th. Then I saw another of the top Argie girls walking and crying along the road. I kept saying, keep pushing as hard as you can. Today is today. I only have today and this is the moment. I dont know of any other moments where things will be so perfect, so just run. And I did. In my watch, my marathon was sub 2:49.... In the race watch it was 2:50:30, I think. Still a pb, but couldnt understand why I didnt go sub 2:50. Exciting arrival, lots of media attention. Rosa Godoy, a very talented Argentinean runner who is just getting into marathons, ran 2:44. We had a good chat in the changing rooms. She was very disappointed as she trained for 2:35. Marathons are all about experience. And even me, who ran about 14, still do not know how to get it right to run the time I am capable to run. Today I was definitely capable of 2:45. Just ran too randomly. I feel I gave it all. However, Im the openly one who is walking around in one piece like nothing, while everybody else is falling over and limping along... A lot of media attention, great VIP tent with loads of treats, including very good-looking personal trainers doing massage and stretching us. Sunny and fun Prize Giving. Fantastic atmosphere and , the best of all, sharing with my parents and Maita and her family. From the distance, I remembered all of you who are such an important part of my path and made this happen. From Robin, a pillar-type friend who made it possible for me to be here in Argentina; to the people who trained with me and all the lovely runners I coach; to those who often look after my children and are helping out this weekend; to Clive for putting up with someone like me; to my lovely younger sister Fer, amazing sailor and sailing coach, who came all the way from Italy to stay at home and go to Rutland with the beans for the EoS; to the ladies who did everything to find me sponsorship, Jessie and Sam; to Kirsty for finding me the right trainers; to the kids I coach cause they keep me motivated, to all the friends who trust me, Kate, Genie, Becky, Darren; to Joff who had a big influence in me carrying on running (to help him, I helped myself!) and for taking on my running groups, together with Becky, Joey, Libby; to Al, my brother in law and all of the New Forest Runners who also supported me... To therapist Marion and osteopath Gavin, for keeping my body in one piece, after all the punishment I do to it (and have to add Sarah Baylis too, although she treated me only once, just before I came over, it was a blissful massage!).... My parents, greatest supported, who got up 5:30 to take me to the race (and this is obviously nothing in comparison to all theyve done to support us all three in everything weve done since we were born!) And to my two beautiful beans, cause everything I do, I do it inspired by them... ! ................................ Ooops! And to my coach, of course, Scott!!! Scott, how can I do to run sub 2:50???? for goodness sake!!!!???!!!??? Dont bother answering... Today, when racing, I promised this was going to be my last marathon . Im too old and too tired of racing ... !
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 20:36:58 +0000

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