Perfect plans subject wise to score at least 95% Go Through - TopicsExpress


Perfect plans subject wise to score at least 95% Go Through Previous Years Papers: After you have planned out a time table, take out the subject you are supposed to study today as per the time table and go through the previous year’s question papers (at least for the last five years) of that subject in order to analyze the portions of the subjects from where questions are most frequently set. Note these topics down on a paper. This will be really helpful in order to plan out your preparation for the subject. [Note: While going through the whole syllabus in correct order is important, you cannot neglect the fact that you don’t have much time as of now to do that.] Mark Important Points: After having noted down the frequently asked topics, open your text books or copy, and read through these topics at least once, but be sure to underline the important points you find in those topics, like some definitions, keywords etc. Revision Charts: This might seem strange, but believe me it definitely works. After reading through the topics once, and marking out the important keywords and points in it, draw out a char consisting of these important points or brief notes, and stick it on the wall, where you face more often while doing anything. This process will help you to revise and remember important key points of the lesson well, whenever you see that wall. This will also serve as a quick revision guide for you just before the day of final examination. Mind Mapping: Try and mind map the chart which you just created. Look at a portion of the chart and try and rebuild it in your memory by closing your eyes. Believe me it can do wonders in improving your memory and power of retaining important points. Avoid Cramming: Cramming isn’t a good idea at all. Study less, but understand what you study. Cramming is one of your friends who ditches you in the exam hall. Additionally, cramming the night before your exams is proven to be ineffective, because you’re taking in so much information at once that it’s impossible to memorize it at all. In fact, you will hardly retain anything. Practice by Writing: This is a really effective method. After giving the allotted time to a subject in a day, close your book, and ask yourself questions relating to the lesson you just studied to see if you have remembered what you just studied. Then try and write down the answers to your questions on a paper without referring to a book. When you are unable to remember an important part of your question (after trying much), then open the book and go through it once, close the book again, and write it down again on your own. Practice diagrams, derivations, and programs by writing it down from your memory, as much as you can. Solve Sample Papers: This is important in order to access your level of preparation. But, this proves beneficial only when you stick to few basic things. To improve yourself and to extract maximum benefit from these sample papers, choose a suitable time for yourself, and have the required time (i.e. the time within which you are allowed to complete the paper) in your hand. Then try to solve this paper in the time limit given at the head of the paper taking 15 minutes extra for reading the paper. Never let these papers demoralize you if you find questions which you can’t answer. If there were topics which you were not prepared in, then go back and prepare them again. Stick to the guidance of the Teacher: While we would not suggest attending tuition at this time, but would definitely suggest you to stick to your school/private teacher’s guidance till the end. This is what is found missing in students nowadays. Once their syllabus is completed they don’t care about their teachers guidance. This is a mistake. Be in contact with him/her on every issues of the subject you come across either via phone or e-mail or by going to his/her house if that is possible. Whenever you come across a topic hard to grasp, ask the concerned teachers. They will gladly help. Additional points to be taken care of: ● Health is important, so don’t neglect foods and don’t compromise with your sleep [we are referring to the normal required sleep]. Avoid junk foods or any other such food which may keep you unfit. You should eat only as much as required. Try not to put stress on both your stomach AND your mind. ● Keep away from all undue personal stress. Keep away from phone calls and social networking sites. ● Remember, be positive, stay calm, and mobilize your energies to do the best job possible every day by trying your best to do justice with the plan you created for your exam preparation. ● Forget about cheating in the exams. The amount of time you give for planning and preparing your means of cheating are more than enough to actually prepare that lesson if you follow the above tips properly. ● After you are done with an exam, avoid doing its postmortem by discussing the answers with your friends. Doing this won’t increase your marks, but can demoralize you if what you wrote was incorrect, which in turn will affect the rest of your exams. As soon as one exam is over, move swiftly to focusing on the next one. Dwelling on an exam that you have completed wastes energy and time, and will drive you crazy.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 09:04:01 +0000

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