Perhaps it is time for #Pakistan to withdraw from the - TopicsExpress


Perhaps it is time for #Pakistan to withdraw from the #SimlaAccords and the #LoC ceasefire agreement of 2003 since #India has broken them both repeatedly not only by perpetrating a full-scale war just now (yes, thats exactly what it is) but also by relentlessly building illegal fortifications along the LoC and invading and occupying Siachen. #NarendraModi has been looking for a chance to wage war on Pakistan right since coming into power. He has never wanted to hold any diplomatic engagements with Pakistan (hence his cancellation of the foreign secretaries meeting and expulsion of #UNMOGIPs office in New Delhi) and the #IndianArmy started its onslaught along the #LineofControl and #WorkingBoundary right after #NawazSharif pissed the Indians off by talking about the Kashmiri peoples right of self-determination at the UNGA. Some Indians claim that Pakistan has started this shelling in order to internationalize the #Kashmir issue. Those disingenuous morons will keep sticking their heads in the sand. They dont know that the Kashmir issue had been internationalized right from the time that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had gotten those UN resolutions. The entire world is well aware that there is a freedom struggle going on in #OccupiedKashmir that India wants to slide under the rug and away from the worlds attention. Heres all that Pakistan needs to do if it decides to give Kashmir an even bigger international profile: take up the Kashmir issue diplomatically at all international forums as well as cease all diplomatic engagement with India until this issue is resolved. The Indians who level this silly allegation dont realize that there is already a very thick file on Kashmir at the United Nations Security Council, and all that Pakistan needs to do is have that file re-opened. That is the one thing India is frightened of, and every Indian government since Narsimha Raos has made it a key policy agenda to negotiate with Pakistan over Kashmir, precisely so that Pakistan would not re-open that file at the forum of the international communitys top decision-making and policy-setting body. Narendra Modi has broken that pattern, and so now Pakistan must do the only logical thing left to do. There is another strong incentive for Pakistan to go to the UNSC now: ever since 1972 India has never reported a single LoC violation to the UN because it wants to push that body out of having anything to do with Kashmir, whereas Pakistan has reported every single one it has ever suffered. That is why the UNs files have no record of any Pakistani violation of the LoC and Working Boundary; by contrast, they have a very large tally of every single act of aggression India has ever committed against Pakistan, and that is what the UN and any international court would look at if Pakistan decides to take legal action against India there. And just like the previous government did, the Foreign Office now must also invite the ambassadors of all the important countries of the world and give them a thick dossier of what aggression India has perpetrated, what UN investigations have revealed, and what Pakistans legal stance on the issue is. Nawaz Sharif must also do the country a favor and leave the post of Foreign Minister; he must appoint a dedicated Foreign Minister now. However, Nawaz Sharif and his cronies have absolutely no abilities in diplomacy and statecraft, so fat chance of any of this happening. Last year during some SAARC anniversary, Pakistans foreign secretary invited all SAARC countries diplomats and other figures in Islamabad to a dinner. During that, Dr. Maria Sultan said the Kashmir issue must be resolved before a truly peaceful and harmonious regional order can emerge in South Asia. She just had to say the magic words Kashmir Issue and the Indian High Commissioner angrily stormed out of the dinner. That is how much the K-word pricks the Indians like a needle. Now it is time for Pakistan to take up the matter at the UN and international courts, and thus poke the Indians where they will feel it the most.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 08:42:57 +0000

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