Perhaps the saddest part of Barack Obama’s presidency is that - TopicsExpress


Perhaps the saddest part of Barack Obama’s presidency is that while most conservatives could easily see his promise of “hope’n’change” to be absolute malarkey, his willingness to betray the American public by operating as the most secretive president this nation has ever had has surely surprised even the most ardent conservatives. In essence, while so many of us expected more of the same kind of covert governance, as president, Obama has operated more closely akin to Soviet-era officials than to anything remotely resembling a modern president. Tea Party Congressman Trey Gowdy intends to upturn Obama’s apple cart by shining a spotlight on the Obama Administration’s failures with regards to Benghazi. Obama could be remembered as “The Teflon Tyrant” as nothing appears to ever stick. With a complicit media coupled with a radicalized Democrat Party enjoying the full cooperation of the moderate faction of the GOP, the Obama Administration has had little reason to fear the public learning the truth about what happened in Benghazi, at the IRS, in Fast and Furious and a variety of other treasonous offenses. All that is about to change if former prosecutor Trey Gowdy has his way. After Congress returns from their recess, the investigative committee to learn the truth about Benghazi will be underway. Gowdy has already claimed that he will subpoena Hillary Clinton and while whether or not she will be forced to testify remains unclear, she is most-certainly unlikely to release her personal Benghazi notes without a fight. Gowdy has also maintained that he will not be putting on a show, but will, in fact, be thorough in his investigation. According to The Hill: Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) on Tuesday laughed off the idea that the House select committee investigating the events surrounding the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attack would finish its work before the midterm elections. “No. Heavens no,” said Gowdy, who is chairman of the committee, in an interview with ABC News. “I have decided that I would rather be right than first. So we are going to do it methodically, professionally.” Gowdy said the committee would hold its first public hearing in September, after members return from the August recess. It will touch on the State Department’s Accountability Review Board recommendations, and how well they have been implemented in the wake of the attack that killed three Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Gowdy said there will be other public hearings, but the committee would do most of its work in private. “I can get more information in a five-hour deposition than I can [in] five minutes of listening to a colleague asking questions in a committee hearing,” he said. He added: “My view of public hearings — if there is a factual discrepancy, then the jury or our fellow citizens need to hear both sides, and they can determine where the greater weight or credibility is. But if there is a consensus on a point, there really is not any reason to litigate that in public.” Democrats have tried to downplay the importance of the committee, but in truth, this is the first time a select committee has been appointed to investigate the terrorist attack that left four Americans dead and that was shrugged-off by the Obama Administration. Gowdy doesn’t seem to care if people are heavily-invested in his committee or if he makes headlines. “You want to get on the news, go rob a bank,” Gowdy matter-of-factly stated. In May, Trey Gowdy shredded the mainstream media in their failure to properly investigate what should be an outrage. After scolding the press for several minutes, Gowdy reminded: (Video Below) “Congress is supposed to provide oversight, the voters are supposed to provide oversight, and you were supposed to provide oversight. That’s why you have special liberties and that’s why you have special protections.”
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 02:28:02 +0000

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