Perhaps this is you as well today. I share my heart here with you - TopicsExpress


Perhaps this is you as well today. I share my heart here with you and hope you may share it to your wall to help others. Today, I was hit with the reality of something I said yesterday. Yes, I post scripture as led. Yes, I take out notes as led. Yes, I take out posts as led. Yes, I put gospel messages into videos as led. Yes, I put gospel messages into my calendars and pictures and books I have done as led. Yes, it is a ministry as led. AS the Spirit of Christ. I am NOT now nor will I ever be empowered of my own self when it comes to the truth of Gods word shared. I am NOT strong in the flesh. I am not even confident in the flesh many a time. I AM CONFIDENT AND STRONG THROUGH CHRIST ONLY! My flesh is weak, very weak. In fact, I am at a point in my life where I am certain many would give up. I wont bother you with details. Bottom line is that without the Lord, I would NOT be able to overcome many obstacles. PERIOD. My flesh may at times want to give up, but there is something deeper, more profound, more life-altering within in that I CAN FIGHT through anything thrown against me. This is why perhaps at this low stage, I find such strength, such mercy, such empowerment, such power, such grace, such love. I cling to these because the Lord PROMISES He will not forsake His children who have come to Him through the Son - Christ my Redeemer. It is in this valley, where I see fully Gods hand on my life. Not at the top of the mountain. NO ONE is at the top of the mountain. We all are climbing that mountain of GLORY! The top is the pinnacle! The top is the call into our eternal home from this current planet in which I am a pilgrim, an alien. just passing through. I see despair all around me. I see sad hearts. Angry hearts. Bitter hearts. Savage hearts. Heartless hearts. Jealous hearts. And it breaks my heart that it is so abundant. BUT, let me tell you, I believe some of these I experienced in one way or another in my life before God and I KNOW He was broken hearted over it. You see, I recognise that He gives and He takes. He can take it ALL away just like that. He has a will for our lives. Some are clearly marked in the scriptures for ALL of us! So, in a moment of awakening, I know that although some things are incredibly tough, bleak even by the flesh standards, I also know I have a friend, an eternal friend! A friend in the Lord. He alone BRINGS ME THOUGH! He alone! God is very real to me and so is Christ. Christ IS ALIVE and my Spirit testifies to that. My ways are pointless without His guidance, His power, His leading, His compassion, His love, His wisdom in my life. I have been given a glimpse of some of the rougher things ahead even and what it tells me is that God is giving me advance notice to prepare me even more. And even if He did not give my advance notice, I still TRUST HIM! No IFS, ORS or BUTS about it! Here is the thing. He also has shown me what is in store, not just after life here, but during. He has given me the glimpse of incredible changes requiring new outlook on some matters. Requiring obedience. Requiring faith. I am not afraid to speak Christ and the resurrection for it simply is true. Beloved, in the midst of the battles, the struggles, there He is! Believe it! It is TRUE! Anything I have said here does NOT go against the Word. In fact, many of you can probably cite verses on much of what I am saying. Be Blessed! Stay Blessed! Be a Blessing! Bless the Lord! In His Love and Service, Jody Midgley
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 01:10:05 +0000

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