Peri Mbandazayo 45 minutes ago · Hospice services in East - TopicsExpress


Peri Mbandazayo 45 minutes ago · Hospice services in East London are closed due to lack of funds. Cancer patients who need to be supported ( ukongiwa ngamanye amazwi ) have nowhere to go. When I read corruption reports and the likes of the Nkandla report I feel so so sad. Some of these funds could easily be re-directed to such initiatives! I put it to you the most corrupt province is ? I also put it to you that before Zuma there was bigger, much much BIGGER, corruption e.g. Arms Deal and many other unstated deals. Finally, I sadly put it to you that the reason you even know of any Nkandla corruption, not any by Zuma funny enough, though he is the favourite blame-boy, poor man, is because of him in the first place. He, not your previous despot HIV/AIDS denialist flop (how many hundreds of thousands of lives were lost THERE, or does it not matter, it was a mistake by a good man?) that the people chased away, he Jacob Zuma, gave you a functioning PP office AND appointed the now-lost Thuli. During previous regime that office served to nail political enemies of the mostly Xhosa-nostra mafioso cliques that operated with impunity within the bowels and top echelons of the ruling party and the corridors of power. I know this might be a tad unpalatable Peri, but it is based on FACT, not, unlike you, emotion. You see, you HATE Zuma, and I do not despise Mbeki. I do not particularly like JZ either, if for the e-tolls imposition......
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 07:15:25 +0000

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