Peri had a friend over last night. Ken and I barely made it to 10 - TopicsExpress


Peri had a friend over last night. Ken and I barely made it to 10 and crawled into bed. Peri rushes in to use our bathroom for some sort of emergency and then tells us she needs to do some stretches by our bed. Too tired to ask about it. Next thing we know shes talking to us over the Walkie Talkie she stretched under our bed. Too tired to move it-thought fun would die off. Nope-half hour of asking us whats for breakfast, telling us she watching us, and making creepy monster sounds. Ken turns it off . At 4 he gets up-surprising the guy who cant see his own hand in front his face without contacts in, spots Saran Wrap on our toilet seat, in the knick of time! Things happen in threes-wonder what breakfast will bring?
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:42:08 +0000

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