Permit us quarter exercising Point of privilege’. Yesterday - TopicsExpress


Permit us quarter exercising Point of privilege’. Yesterday afternoon watching Up with Steve Kornaki on MSNBC... Steve tabled a segment chronicling incidents occurring between Ukraine, Russia and the United States. We remember the words issuing from our mouth after hearing the President words uttered at a press conference... watching Russias subsequent response in Ukraine... we remember saying... Were going to War... though our conscious thoughts abjectly chose to reject and abate such notions – yet wed uttered it... thats when it quietly washed over us like a smothering blanket which truly stirred great unrest. Often... we find ourselves listening, watching and waiting on Wisdom from on high... thus it came, and what was clear - US internal discord engineered by TeaPublicans, Congressional Republicans, weak Democrats fighting for political survival and the conservative GOP establishment have emboldened international enemies... sufficient for nations like Russia to challenge the resolve of these United States. TeaPublicans, Congressional Republicans and the conservative GOP establishments political malfeasance have stoked the fire and fueled the flames for international armed conflict with Russia... viewing our nations leader and resolve - weak... in fact... members of the Congressional GOP Republican establishment expressly and openly state their disdain for the Presidents feckless foreign polity leadership... NOTHING could have greater deleterious impactful consequences regarding US National Security than open engagement publicly lambasting the credibility of the leadership of these United States - nothing... such extraordinary political malfeasance effused upon a national and international stage in an effort simply to bring our Commander in Chief to public ruin – President Barack Obama... The Conservative Republican Political-Obstructionist Industrial-Complex Machine has placed greater interest on winning local and national elections... implementing every tool in the tool shed to utterly destroy and decimate the credibility of President Barack Obama... they have willingly left the back door wide opened to US enemies... simply to score cheap political points, win local and national elections and destroy our President... at the expense of EVERY American... America doesnt NEED Al Qaeda to dismantle and destroy these United States of America... theyve got the Obstructionist Conservative Republican GOP establishment... engineering chaos, destruction, obstruction and reckless regard fundamental to the lives, safety and welfare of the National interest of every member of this nation. (a must watch) msnbc/the-ed-show/watch/republican-rhetoric-against-us-russian-policy-180631619504
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:27:50 +0000

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