Personal Add: I had a long discussion with a friend about - TopicsExpress


Personal Add: I had a long discussion with a friend about islamists. Many people belive those islamists are barbaric satans coming from nowhere, or they are the creation of Mossad, CIA, Bilderberger, Illuminati or other conspiracys. To be honest, #ISIS and #Alqaida have always been there, and those ppl are no idiots. There are very capeble and intelligent ppl in their ranks, they have clear goals and they are building structures in Lybia, Syria, Iraq,Afghanistan and Pakistan. If the only reaction we have is to call them idiots we clearly lack the sense for special situations. The islamic history is full of hardline muslim movements, get over it. They are a threat to our known system, they overthrow all international standards and conquer as they were in the middle ages, and here is the real problem we are faceing, not the barbaric behavior and all the killings, or do you think Assad or Maliki are better than those Islamists? They all behave the same, but the islamists give a damn about international recognition, they dont want to be partner of anyone.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:13:58 +0000

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