Personal Message and Word from the Lord Many of you have been - TopicsExpress


Personal Message and Word from the Lord Many of you have been contacting me regarding new messages. Many have been asking if I have any and why have I not been online. I have been taking some personal time off due to situations that required my attention. Since I have been speaking with the Lord regarding what was occurring personally, many of the messages were more personal and not for sharing. While I was off line handling these things, I have come to the realization about a few things. It is this information that I would like to share this day. Our lives, no matter how big or small, busy or paced slower, stressed or calm, even keeled or fluctuating constantly…is a life the Lord has granted us. We are blessed to be experiencing it, regardless of how we feel about it. There are days that some love the beauty of the earth…the sun and flowers, the breeze against our skin, the smell of fresh cut grass, the birds singing. It is these days we say our Lord is good, look at His handiwork, His creation. Truth is… He is in all the creation. He is in the breeze, the warm sun on our faces, in the birds singing their early morning praise. Then there are days when things are not so easy to deal with, situations occur that strain our strength and faith. We get into battle mode rebuking and binding anything that we sense is attacking us. It is these days when we say, Lord Lord, when will you come? Or Lord where are you? We were chosen to live in this specific time for a specific purpose. The Lord has given us what we would need, His gifts, to accomplish His purpose, even before we were knit in the womb. These gifts are planted as a seed within us. He also knew us before our earthly parents even had a thought of us. The truth is there is a path planned out for each and every one of us to follow and all we have to do is walk that path. Walk in His plan and purpose for our lives and allow His seeds planted within us the freedom to grow. He does not want us to stress or strain. He does not want us to go through bad situations. He wants us to trust in Him and rely on Him for everything in life. If we stay on His path, there is protection. It is when we opt for another scenario, one that is self-willed, self-desired…where we often run into problems. Is it possible at this time, self is idolized? We are created to have communion with the Lord and what we do in life should bring Him glory. It does not matter what we do for a living, whether we have a position that requires a master’s degree or wash dishes, nor what we drive, where we live, how much we know about religion, theology, or whatnot. It does not matter if you go to church every Sunday or not. These are all standards of men and men created the measuring tape. A replica of God’s plan, one that is trying to mimic. Opinions of men often measure us as well. For example, if a woman weighs over this amount, she is too heavy. If she weighs less than this amount, she is too thin. Who is to say what is the perfect weight for someone? Only the Lord. If someone is not in church every Sunday, surely they must be sinning and not following God could be their opinion. There are many standards in the earth today that are not standards of God, but of men. Many people are ruled by the thought, “oh no, we can’t do that, what would people think?” Jesus was radical in His ways and overturned the tables. His desire is intimacy, truth and love. What I have also found is that time, has been idolized. Time. We wait for things with time. We measure things with time. Time is men’s measuring standard, not Gods. There is no measurement of time where the Lord is. It just is. Just as there is no time that God was not I AM. He just was then and is today. So here is a question. If we take time out of the equation, what do we have left? Space. Room. Boundless. Freedom. God. Some people may question, what about when I hear God’s timing is perfect? How can there be no time then? His actions are perfect in OUR lives and timing. Why? Because He is our Father. Things happen and are given by Him when He sees that we are ready for them and not one minute before. Our maturity, our spiritual maturity is the answer. Our heart is the answer. Our Father in heaven is truly just that…our Father. He is full of love, mercy and forgiveness. His loving kindness and guidance is offered to all who ask. He loves each and every one of us more than we can possibly fathom and desires an intimate relationship with all of us. Even those who are overwhelmed by His love are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. We dig deep to draw near to Him and realize that all we learned in our life is just a drop of water is the sea of wisdom of the Lord. Our Father is big…bigger than all of us can even grasp in our mere minds collectively. His desire is that none fall and that all learn from Him this day. While the bible has been the cornerstone of my faith all my saved life…the important foundation to learning who God is…I must admit at this time in my life, I am learning directly from the Lord. His ways are higher than any other and He has asked us to ‘come up hither’ and reach higher for the things of God. He is speaking today, teaching today new truths and still guiding us if we ask. What I am finding, is that not all that we have been taught in the past is full solid truth from God. Some information is tainted and twisted by man’s interpretation, man’s opinion and man’s measurements. Some information is in place to keep us focused and in line with the world’s way. These are things that bind. These are things that weigh heavy upon us. There are God’s truths in many things of the earth, some of which we have been taught are no good or evil. Why am I telling you all this? Because I want to encourage you to seek the Lord on these things. Seek Him and ask Him to show you personally where His freedom really is. Take time to sit at His feet and talk with Him. That is His desire. He has told me to come to Him often to tell Him of things on my heart. He has said He will address these things and help me understand new truths, new ways of thinking and perception of things. I am understanding that if you live by the law, you will be judged by the law. But if you live by grace…….. there is freedom. Think about it, when Jesus came to the earth, the Pharisees did not recognize it was God. They already had their way of thinking and learning. So anything new that came along and threatened the status quo had to be bad. It had to be evil. They thought Jesus was possessed by a demon. Jesus came so we could have freedom. So we could have life and not only have life, but have it more abundantly. There again is freedom. Freedom from sickness, disease and poverty, not only in physical life but spiritually as well. Fullness, wholeness…nothing missing, nothing broken. The Shalom blessing. His followers in His day learned directly from Him. That is what I encourage you to seek the Lord on today. Word from the Lord September 17, 2014 Daughter, there are many truths that are being made known in this time. They are end time truths hidden that must be idealized and grasped. Many are hearing these things, yet are not expounding on them. My wish, My desire is that all know these truths, for the truth shall set you free. My ways are higher than any other, My truths speak freedom and My words break chains that bind you. If you asked for a fish, I would not give you a stone. I ask My children to seek out these truths and ask for direction. Instructions will be given, clarification, explanation and truth will be bestowed. Grasp these truths, set them in place in your life and keep them before you for they are life in these perilous times. You will be called to do great and mighty things for My kingdom. You will do these things through Me. My anointing…My strength and anointing will be upon you. Fear not for these things must occur. You are My light. You are My perfect design. In the days ahead, many will come to you asking what it is that you have. They will inquire about things. They will see and know that I am with you for My light shines through you. My love will be felt. It will be noticeable. Share that. Spread that will all you see and all I direct you to: many are the kingdom of God, many are the hands of God, many are the mouthpiece of God and many are the heart of God. Your specific purpose is unique…each will have their own instruction, things to accomplish, places to go and people to see. Reach out to all of those I bring you to, for everyday is a new opportunity to do so. Hide not your light under a bushel, but let it out for all to see regardless of what you think. I am for all and all must have the opportunity to see. Keep straight My children; keep straight on the path I am guiding you on…every step…every inch of the way is protected by Me. My manifestations will become apparent very soon My children, do not be alarmed…open your heart and receive. For this day is one where heaven rejoices and has waited patiently to arrive. End of message.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:04:03 +0000

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