Personal Post of the Day: I used to believe in God, go to church, - TopicsExpress


Personal Post of the Day: I used to believe in God, go to church, and believe in the supernatural. Under such beliefs, I felt that things would merely come to me because it was part of a destiny. I thought whatever happened was supposed to happen as it was Gods plan and that praying with much intent would yield results. Living my life according to such ideas left me floating through life without much control and persuaded me to hope for miracles to occur. A life with such beliefs may provide contentment, but is not conducive to fulfillment. Since evolving away from the belief in God, the supernatural, or religious ideology, my life has become much more valued. My failures have better guided me, while my successes induce pride and accomplishment. My aspirations have grown. I developed a desire to understand and experience as much as possible before my clock runs I realized this life is the one chance to do so. The lack of any kind of supernatural beliefs has led to a fulfillment and appreciation that can not be understood without an attempt to work toward truly understanding the world around us. With so many believers out there and having been one, I honestly understand the appeal of the idea of God, the supernatural, and fate; although I recommend some introspection and the exploration of perspective to see whats right for you and your own personal fulfillment. Seeing the universe for what it really is may be much more majestic than you think... :)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 00:02:23 +0000

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