Personal Success Intensive Quite frankly, we’ve been told - TopicsExpress


Personal Success Intensive Quite frankly, we’ve been told that Personal Success Intensive is one of the best programs of its type in Australia. We’ve been running it for over a decade, refining and improving all the time, so we love to hear that our years of hard work and listening to your feedback has created something so good. Personal Success Intensive was built by people like you. People who knew that they wanted to make some changes, wanted more confidence, clarity, and focus to get the results they really want in life, but didn’t know exactly how, or where to start. So, rather than fluff about with special sales lines and good ol’ cliches designed to convince you to come, we thought we’d just give you some straight up facts, and you can decide for yourself whether Personal Success Intensive is for you. Oh, and by the way, just so you know, this is a two day weekend seminar which runs regularly all over Australia. It’s interactive, it’s fun, it’s powerful, and over 35,000 Australians have attended so far. Now, if you’d like some more details about the seminar before you make your decision to register, read on… Most seminars like Personal Success Intensive are designed to hype you up with all kinds of chest thumping over-excited processes so you’ll sign up for more expensive courses on the spot. We’ve been there, and we know it’s not a long term solution for most people. That’s where Personal Success Intensive differs from other courses. It concentrates on giving you the focus, commitment, clarity and confidence you need to get results in the real world. Sometimes that means we might need to challenge you to achieve that… if that’s what is needed for you to get what you want, then so be it. We obsessively watch and model ourselves on highly successful people, past and present, all over the globe. We filter, refine, and test everything we learn so that we can share with you the most up-to-date tools and techniques for maximum achievement. We’ll then give you the opportunity to test them out in a safe and supportive environment. It doesn’t get much easier (or cooler) than that! So basically, you get to spend two days in a “Life Simulator”. You’ll take in some great information and learn some new techniques, then get the chance to test them out, maybe make some mistakes, and learn from those mistakes before going out and using what you’ve learnt in the real world. This just boosts your chances of success. Lovely. So, you’re probably already wondering what these techniques are. Well, we don’t want to give it all away here, because it’s very much the experience that you’ll get the most learning from, however, here’s a couple of snippets to give you an idea… Learn how to focus your mind like a laser-beam. (The difference between successful people and people who struggle through life is where they put their focus – we’ll show you how to de-clutter your mind and focus on the things that really matter to you.) Get Inspired! Get a crystal clear vision for your future. Once you’ve completed the 2 day Personal Success Intensive course, you’ll know exactly where you’re going, and what you need to do to get there. We also want to share with you our 5 steps to getting everything you want in your life. Sounds kinda cliche, we know. But we also know that it works. You’ll get to practice using the 5 steps there and then. That way, you know exactly how to apply them to your life in the real world. You’ll get to participate in a guided process to uncover your Life’s Purpose. This is so, so cool, because when you know what your Life’s Purpose is, it becomes so much easier to make decisions, stay motivated, and your life just becomes more meaningful. Again, you’ll get to test out your Life’s Purpose to make sure it is really right for you. It is a truly eye opening process. Procrastinators, this one is for you! You’ll learn how to finish what you start – every time! We’ll show you how to achieve goal-after-inspiring-goal, and how simple and fun it can be. We’ll also cover how you can be committed to getting what you want in your life, and how get it – for reals. But wait… there’s more… LOL how cliche is that..? Uhem… but seriously, there’s more… You’ll love our ‘hands-on’ process to work out whether you’re a leader or a follower – and if you want to change that, we’ll show you how. Get some real certainty that you are on track, like Superman on his way to save Lois Lane. Completely unstoppable. You’ve probably spotted people who are totally certain about what they’re doing and where they are going. They’re the ones who have all the luck, who seem to just have great opportunities land in their lap, and who always manage to land on their feet – no matter how many times they stumble, fall, or get dumped on. The truth is, you can live like that too. There’s only one thing you need to do – come spend a weekend with us at Personal Success Intensive. If you do choose to dramatically improve your life by attending Personal Success Intensive, we’ll also ask you to make a donation (big or small, it doesn’t matter) to Make-A-Wish Australia. One of the reasons we want as many people as possible to come spend the weekend with us, is so that we can help Make-A-Wish Australia grant Wishes to as many kids as possible. We could say that this is a very rare opportunity to change your life. The truth is that there are plenty of opportunities, but this one has the most realistic, practical, real world uses that we know of, and we’ve been in the industry and running Personal Success Intensive for over a decade. So if you’re thinking of ignoring this opportunity… if you think you’re too busy, tired, sceptical or suspicious… if you think that this type of seminar might be okay for other people, but not for you… we want you to consider two short words: what if… What if this seminar just happened to change your life? What if you walked out at the end of 2 days totally free of the fears that have been holding you back? WHAT IF five years from now you looked back on your decision to attend Personal Success Intensive as one of the smartest decisions you’ve ever made? The truth is, you wouldn’t be reading this if your life was everything you wanted it to be right now. And there is at least a part of you that wants to attend this seminar. That wants to change. That wants to start taking action… to get the wonderful results you deserve. This thing is risk free. It’s not a 2 day sales pitch. It’s just a jam-packed, eye-popping, results-getting journey that could easily change your life forever. If that little speech wasn’t enough for you to see that your life could be completely awesome after attending Personal Success Intensive, then here’s what a few of our previous participants had to say: From the deepest depths of my heart and soul I want to say thankyou for all that you have done for me. PSI has changed my life, I feel like ME again!!! After so long feeling disociated and distant I have awakened to my truth once again and I know that PSI and the wonderful people of eQ were the catalyst for this change. Thank you. I love you. Anthony It has been an amazing weekend and I have had breakthroughs that will take my life forward and towards my goals which I will achieve. Dianne Lazzaro Awesome weekend, I cannot believe the only cost was the food. I have done many seminars but have never had so much fun or created as much as I did in the two days of this seminar. I have been struggling to create a purpose for my life and I finally found mine. Thank you, absolutely awesome! I am looking forward to the future I created and I am no longer scared to dream and follow them to completion. Angela Hay I found the weekend amazingly empowering that has put me in a different space allowing me to deal with people closest to me in a new positive communicative way. I feel changed. I feel absolutely awesome! Lynette Martin Jennifer Lawrence The weekend has given me a powerful insight into setting goals for my future and bringing my future closer and closer to my present. I came away feeling very inspired and ready for action! Rebecca Stewart Its the best and most exciting seminar I have ever been to. What I have learnt and experienced has changed my life and I will now start living. I have now have the inspiration to be what ever I want to be. Gary Carl Barron
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 23:37:16 +0000

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