[Personal and political events of Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujib in a - TopicsExpress


[Personal and political events of Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujib in a brief. ] *1920 Mar 17 Born at Tungipara village in Faridpur district (presently Gopalgonj) . *1938 Imprisoned for his nationalist speech in a political gathering . *1940 During a visit by the state minister Fazlul Huq and minister of food Suhrawardi to the Gopalgonj School, Sheikh Mujib, with few other students, blocked their way in demand of government initiative for the improvement of condition of the school. The leaders accepted his demands. *1946 Elected the General Secretary of the central students union of Calcutta Islamia College . *1947 Formed the East Pakistan Muslim Students League . *1947 Nov First use of the name Bangladesh in the conference of Students League in Narayanganj. *1949 June 23 Elected as the founder joint secretary of Awami Muslim League from prison. Released in July and was immediately imprisoned for hunger strike . *1952 Hunger strike at Dhaka Central Jail in support of the heroes of Bangla language movement. *1953 The responsibility of the General Secretary of Awami League was accorded to him . *1954 A new ministry was formed on 12 May 1954 by the Chief Minister Fazlul Haque and Sheikh Mujib was inducted as the youngest member of the cabinet. *1954 May 30 The central government dissolved Fazlul Haques cabinet, imposed direct rule and arrested their arch enemy, Sheikh Mujib. He was released on December 18. *1955 Sept Turned Muslim Awami League into a non-communal political party by reoving the word Muslim from its official name. *1956 June 2 Governors rule was lifted and election of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was held in the same month. Sheikh Mujib was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly. *1956 Sept Minister for trade, industry and anti-corruption in the ministry formed by Ataur Rahman Khan . *1957 May Resigned from the ministry in order to commit himself to organizational work for the party. *1958 October Arrested by the military dictator General Ayub Khan on 12 false charges. *1966 Feb5, 6 In the national conference for the opposition political parties in Lahore, Sheikh Mujib first pronounced the historic six point demands. Arrested again . *1968 January While serving long term jail sentences, the Pakistani military dictator brought charges of high treason against Sheikh Mujib. They accused Sheikh Mujib of conspiring with senior army and civil officials to overthrow the government. The trial started under a special tribunal and the case became famous as Agartala Conspiracy Case. *1969 Feb 22 The protest against the so-called Agartala conspiracy case slowly gained momentum and the huge mass upsurge of February brought the downfall of Gen Ayub Khan and withdrawal of Agartala Conspiracy Case as well as the release of Sheikh Mujib and other co-accused. *1969 Feb 23 The people gave an unprecedented reception to Sheikh Mujib and he was accorded the title Bangabandhu- friend of Banga (Bengal). *1969 Dec 5 In the death anniversary of Suhrawardi, Sheikh Mujib announced that the name of the independent East Pakistan would be Bangladesh. *1970 Dec 7 In the general election of Pakistan, Awami Leage won 167 seats out of 169 in East Pakistan. *1971 Jan 3 Awami League inaugurated the oath of the elected members of parliament in the Race Course ground. The six points were declared a must for the people of East Pakistan *1971 Mar 3 In protest to Gen Yahyah Khans deliberate refusal to hand over political power, Sheikh Mujib declared the cancellation of the session of the National Council. Under the leadership of Sheikh Mujib, all Bangalees vehemently opposed Yahyas dictatorial intervention into national politics. *1971 March 7 The historical speech upholding the promise for the liberation of the Bangalees........this is our fight for liberation, this is our fight for independence.............Joy Bangla *1971 March 25 Pakistan army unleashed its barbaric attack on the unprepared Bangalees in the dead of the night. Official declaration of independence via wireless from his residence, 32 Dhanmondi Road, just before he was captured by the Pakistani occupation forces . *1971 April 17 Formation of the Mujibnagar (provisional) government in Meherpur and Sheikh Mujib was elected the president. Syed Nazrul Islam the acting president and Tajuddin Ahmed the prime minister. *1972 Jan 8 Release from Pakistan Military custody. *1972 Jan 10 Return to independent Bangladesh. *1972 Jan 12 Commencement of parliamentary democracy. Elected as the Prime Minister. Promise to presented the nation with a modern constitution in ten months. *1973 Mar 7 General Election. Formed the government again. *1973 May 23 Accorded the Julie Curie medal for peace *1974 Sept 28 Address in the general assembly of the UN in Bangla *1975 Jan 25 Formation of BKSAL (Bangladesh Krisak Sramik Awami League) for economic independence. *1975 Aug 15 Assassinated by a band of artillery forces led by Col Faruk and Col Rashid arranged by the big conspiracy of khondoker Mustak and Ziaur Rahman. Many suspect CIA especially Kissingers involvement in the assassination of Mujib as Mujib, like Alende of Chili, defied US foreign policy formulated by Kissinger.. In the same afternoon Mujibs dead body was taken straight to Tungipara, escorted by the military, his place of birth and was given burial. ****************************************
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 03:04:47 +0000

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