Personality antisocial personality (disorder) a personality - TopicsExpress


Personality antisocial personality (disorder) a personality disorder characterized by continuous and chronic antisocial behavior in which the rights of others or generally accepted social norms are violated. avoidant personality (disorder) a personality disorder characterized by social discomfort, hypersensitivity to criticism, low self-esteem, and an aversion to activities that involve significant interpersonal contact. borderline personality (disorder) a personality disorder marked by a pervasive instability of mood, self-image, and interpersonal relationships, with fears of abandonment, chronic feelings of emptiness, threats, anger, and self-damaging behavior. cyclothymic personality a temperament characterized by rapid, frequent swings between sad and cheerful moods. dependent personality (disorder) a personality disorder marked by an excessive need to be taken care of, with submissiveness and clinging, feelings of helplessness when alone, and preoccupation with fears of being abandoned. depressive personality (disorder) a persistent and pervasive pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviors, such as unhappiness, low self-esteem, pessimism, critical and derogatory attitudes, guilt or remorse, and an inability to relax or feel enjoyment. histrionic personality (disorder) a personality disorder marked by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior. multiple personality (disorder) dissociative identity disorder. narcissistic personality (disorder) a personality disorder characterized by grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), lack of social empathy combined with hypersensitivity to the judgments of others, interpersonal exploitativeness, a sense of entitlement, and a need for constant signs of admiration. obsessive-compulsive personality (disorder) a personality disorder characterized by an emotionally constricted manner that is unduly rigid, stubborn, perfectionistic, and stingy, with preoccupation with trivial details, overconcern with having everything done ones own way, excessive devotion to work and productivity, and overconscientiousness. paranoid personality (disorder) a personality disorder marked by a view of other people as hostile, devious, and untrustworthy and a combative response to disappointments or to events experienced as rebuffs or humiliations. passive-aggressive personality (disorder) a personality disorder characterized by indirect resistance to demands for adequate social or occupational performance and by negative, defeatist attitudes. sadistic personality (disorder) a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior; satisfaction is gained from intimidating, coercing, hurting, and humiliating others. schizoid personality (disorder) a personality disorder marked by indifference to social relationships and restricted range of emotional experience and expression. schizotypal personality (disorder) a personality disorder characterized by marked deficits in interpersonal competence and eccentricities in ideation, appearance, or behavior. self-defeating personality (disorder) a persistent pattern of behavior detrimental to the self, including being drawn to problematic situations or relationships and failing to accomplish tasks crucial to life objectives. split personality an obsolete term formerly used colloquially for either schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 06:23:59 +0000

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