Persuading people to move differently is part of - TopicsExpress


Persuading people to move differently is part of dermoneuromodulation, a hands-off part, a CBT part. Dermo wont be involved, but neuro will be modulated, for sure. A person on the NSPSMPT page asked me this: >> I have a question for you: What movement based programs do you recommend for your clients? I know there are individual differences on what people need/can do, but do you have recommendations for which type of exercises get better results? Thanks in advance! I replied: >>Anything that will get them to change their current behaviour. I have found minimalism works well. The goal is reducing persistent or recurrent pain. Together we identify their default resting positions. If they are an habitual right leg crosser, for example, maybe lean on their left elbow all the time watching tv, I ask them to be aware of when they are doing that, and practice sitting the opposite way for awhile. Or sleeping on one side all the time. Or standing on one leg but never the other. Those kinds of completely unconscious habits can take a big toll, after awhile, on the PNS, in terms of its ability to physiological feed itself/function under mechanical strain. So I explain the effects, ask them to practice doing the opposite, so they can feed their NS evenly throughout the day and night. After that, they can do whatever they want. I do encourage active movement and resisted exercise, although I dont stand over them and make them do it. The response: >>Thank you! Youve shared some valuable tips. I appreciate it!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:07:08 +0000

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