Pertaining to the mark of the beast. 666 and islam, I found this - TopicsExpress


Pertaining to the mark of the beast. 666 and islam, I found this article fascinating... I didnt write this, but it explains it well IMO... Also check out this video.This is what opened my eyes....https://youtube/watch?v=5X5VqzTlFwU Also do a google search on islam mark of the beast 666.. What is the mark of the beast? In the first place; 666, or more correctly 600 60 6, or more precisely in Greek Chi Xi Stigma, is not really a number. And if you find this hard to believe, then let me explain. Rev 13:18 starts with the phrase, Hode este sophia, or here is wisdom. It is the colloquial way of saying, Here is a riddle. And if there ever was a riddle in the history of humanity, this is it. It is the mother of all riddles. But what is a riddle? Quite simply, a riddle is a phrase that can be read in more than one way. Grammatically (or logically) it is called an, amphiboly. Here is Rev 13:18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six. If we dismiss the fact that this is a riddle and simply apply the most rudimentary grammar to the phrase, then we will conclude that we are talking about a number, and that we must count the number. And that answer will then reveal The Beast. Obviously we have. Endlessly, in fact. And, (also) it has not so far revealed who or what The Beast is. And that is because the concept of numbers is only one half of the riddle. It is the half that humanity has been trying to re-explain (like a hamster on a wheel) for nearly two millennia, chasing our tails! And that is because, the phrase also means something else! And therein lays the riddle. But, if it is not counting a number, then what is it? Well lets start by dissecting those two operative terms, count and number that cause the current interpretation of the phrase, and provide the only opportunity for the amphiboly to exist in the riddle in the first place. Count, in the original Greek is the word psephizo. It means literally, To cast a pebble into an urn, as to vote. Or simply, to determine or decide . When not talking of numbers, the most common use of the word is to decide. Number, in the original Greek is the word arithmos. Arithmos means, a number, any number, some number, some or a multitude. When referring to people, the word is more correctly translated as multitude. Here is Rev. 13:18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six. Here is the answer: Here is a riddle. Let him that hath understanding determine the multitude of the beast; for it is a multitude of men, and [this] multitude is chi xi stigma. But what is chi xi stigma In Greek, it means the numbers 600, 60 and 6. But John was told in Rev 1:19 [to], Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; So John wrote what he saw. What John saw was not 666. What he saw was, Chi Xi Stigma. There is a copy of that fragment of text in the Codex Vaticanus that dates from 340AD. And shows what the Chi Xi Stigma looks like in original handwritten Greek. It can be located on the web in various places as, cxs.gif. Go look at it. That phrase, (Chi Xi Stigma) is a multi-lingual palindrome. A palindrome is a word that read the same backwards and forwards. The Bible has a few of them that have had significance in prophecy throughout the ages. But to my knowledge, this is the only multi-lingual palindrome in existence. The two languages are Greek and Arabic. Which is fascinating because the word that Chi Xi Stigma spells in Arabic didn’t even exist when John wrote Revelation! And I believe it is a very explicit example of the true and prophetic nature of the revelation itself. So, what does Chi Xi Stigma spell in Arabic It spells the word Bismallah. And Bismallah means, In the Name of Allah. Here is a riddle. Let him that hath understanding determine the multitude of the beast: for it is a multitude of a men; and his multitude [is] in the name of Allah. And what is the significance Islam is the only distinctly anti-Christian religion to have ever existed on this planet. Islam is the beast.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 23:36:03 +0000

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