Perth County Junior Farmers Sunday January 30, 2014- 8:00pm (ag - TopicsExpress


Perth County Junior Farmers Sunday January 30, 2014- 8:00pm (ag hall Rostock) 1. Call to order 2. Approval of the agenda, (additions,? Motion to approve agenda) 3. Roll call “Who are you and Where would you like to travel on a JFAO exchange if there was no time, or money limitations?” 4. Apologies and absence & quorum 5. Actions a) Last meeting and volunteer to take for this meeting 6. Minutes from last meeting (November 17, 2013) a) Errors or omissions b) Approval of minutes c) Signing of the minutes 7. Treasurers report a) Money in bank b) Incoming money c) Expenses d) embership 8. Provincial Director a) Winter games (February) b) March PD meeting 9. Ag report 10. Communications & public relations a) Copy from St. Mary’s paper b) Advertising from dairy XPO c) Facebook d) twitter 11. Old business a) Rose award status b) JFAO nomination for march conference c) Beer from dance d) 12. New business 13. Community projects a) Learn to dance 14. Social report a) Ideas for another social? Renting ice was idea last meeting 15. What’s new with you 16. Next meeting- Feburary 16 2013 @1:00 PM at Rostock hall 17. Awards (Dipstick & lugnut) 18. Adjournment (motion to adjourn) 19. Junior farmer song
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 18:31:02 +0000

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