Pesach comes once a year. As a result, the sages instituted that - TopicsExpress


Pesach comes once a year. As a result, the sages instituted that one should review the laws and customs of the holiday each year before the holiday. How much before Pesach are we required to begin studying and reviewing the laws of Pesach? Thirty days before. This applies to each of the Biblical holidays. The Shabbat before Pesach is called, Shabbat HaGadol - The Great Shabbat. What is so special about the Shabbat before Pesach? A great miracle took place on the Shabbat before the Exodus from Egypt. G-d commanded the Jewish people that on that Shabbat each family should select a lamb to be sacrificed five days later. The lamb was regarded an idol to the Egyptians and this was a very dangerous act for the Jewish people. When the Egyptians asked for an explanation, they were told that they were going to use it as a sacrifice and that G-d was going to kill every First-born Egyptian. Jews were in great danger from the Egyptians who wanted to harm for slaughtering their idol. However, G-d performed a great miracle and the Egyptians were struck with terror and couldnt hurt the Jews. To remember this miracle, which was a prelude to the Exodus, we call the Shabbat before Pesach, The Great Shabbat. The Exodus took place on the fifteenth day in the month Nissan. Which day of the week was it? It was a Thursday. Why is it customary that men who are First-born come to synagogue to hear the conclusion of a Tractate of the Talmud the on morning of the Pesach Seder? Our sages explain that when G-d killed the First-born Egyptians, the Egyptian guardian angels complained, Why are only the Egyptians being punished and not the Jews. Many Jews also worship idols. But, G-d didnt listen to them and the Jewish First-borns were all spared. In tribute to this, the First-born makes a special effort to be involved in the happy occasion of the conclusion of a Tractate of the Talmud. Otherwise, they would have to fast that day. Why is it forbidden to eat matzah on the day of the Seder? The sages decreed not to eat matzah before the Seder in order that one will perform the mitzvah of eating matzah at the Seder, with appetite. One should do a mitzvah with happiness and desire. Afraid that one may stuff themselves with matzah during the day and then have a hard time eating the matzah at the Seder, they prohibited eating matzah the day of the Seder. Moshiach NOW!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 04:32:35 +0000

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