Pesky Questions about Privileges, Rights, and Responsibilities - TopicsExpress


Pesky Questions about Privileges, Rights, and Responsibilities What does the term rights mean? What do the terms responsible and responsibility mean What rights do you have? In what way do rights incur the cost of commensurate responsibility? How much responsibility can you reasonably expect from these types of people? Children under 25 driven by emotion and hormones? Inveterate criminals? Welfare recipients? The indigent and homeless? People motivated by lust for money and power? People who run up huge debts and then dont pay them? People who lack the cognitive ability to graduate from high school? People who have never graduated from high school? People who sincerely believe the world is flat or is only 6000 years old? People who believe God would condone the murder his own perfect son to atone for the sins of his less perfect sons and daughters? People who swear an oath to support a constitution they have never read and do not remember and never did thoroughly understand? What happens when a society defeats the law of survival of the fittest such as by paying welfare to the unfit? Who bears the responsibility for killing a dangerous snake that comes around people? How do you know that a government employee does something illegal or repugnant to the constitution? Who has the right to determine a persons guilt or non-guilt? How do innocence and non-guilt differ? How can triers of fact determine guilt or innocence if they cannot read the law and evaluate relevant facts about the law and its meanings on their own? Describe a strong and high-quality family - how its members behave and interact with society and government How does the strength and qualities of families generally determine the quality of Government? What political responsibilities do people have? How can an observer know that people have shirked their political responsibilities? What, in practical terms, does this provision of the Declaration of Rights in the Florida Constitution of 1838 mean: ... all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and established for their benefit; and, therefore, they have, at all times, an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter or abolish their form of government, in such manner as they may deem expedient. Do people generally enjoy a right which they do not possess the power to enforce against tyranny in and out of government? What word or words symbolize a government employee who uses power of office or job to tyrannize others, violate their rights, and prevent them from removing him from power? (What us the proper term for such people). What do the terms republic and republican form of government mean? What does it mean that the US Constitution guarantees the states a republican form of government? Can republican constitutions, that require separation and balance of powers between branches of government, properly allow agents of the judiciary, subject to the discipline of the Supreme Court, to infest every branch of government? What danger does such infestation present to the rights of the people? What can YOU do to correct such a situation? What mechanism exists to prevent overeager prosecutors from harming the people? How does that mechanism operate in your state, and what problems does that operation cause? How should it operate? What can YOU do to make it operate properly? What general prescription can you devise that will restore lawfulness and common sense to, and prevent abuse or peoples rights, by employees and agents of government? How do rights differ from privileges? Who has the responsibility for teaching children about these? privileges, rights, and responsibilities, respecting and demanding respect for rights, requiring demonstrations of responsibility as a prerequisite to the exercise of dangerous rights like voting, taking government employment, and procreating Whats the point? Simple. Lots of people talk, complain, whine about abuse of their rights, but they never understood underlying principles and never prepared for the responsibility of rights. And they stupidly fell for the notion that just because we might all seem equal in Gods eyes (hey, only God knows that for sure), we certainly are not equal on here on this rock. Like Orwells governing pigs said, Some people are more equal than others. We ALL need some Equalizers to keep the pigs from running over us. The FIRST equalizer is intelligent parents The SECOND equalizer proper application of training principles at home. The THIRD equalizer is common sense The FOURTH equalizer is a good classical education, which woefully few of us have The FIFTH equalizer is personally accumulated and protected WEALTH The SIXTH equalizer is physical power, including training in body, management and use of weaponry The SEVENTH equalizer is political activism and power - the moral, physical and financial support of a large number of people Courtesy of Bob Hurt
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:35:09 +0000

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