Pet Peeve #17: People who give business advice yet have no clue - TopicsExpress


Pet Peeve #17: People who give business advice yet have no clue what theyre talking about. Cmon, weve all seen it. Heck, I see it multiple times a day right here on Facebook! The people that follow me and listen to my Podcast know that I sometimes delve out advice. The difference is...Im talking about things that Ive done and have actually been proven to work. The endless amount of bad advice being vomited on a daily basis can often be destructive. Maybe the perpetrator of this sham believes in their heart theyre helping people? Or... Maybe its something entirely different. Sometimes, people just want to hear themselves talk and the internet has given everyone a voice. The problem is, for the uninformed people that do this on a regular basis, there are even more uninformed people that actually believe in their words. It sort of reminds me of the circle jerk that takes place in the Make Money Online space. I will show YOU how to make money online is the mantra yet most of those people havent made a dime. Theyre hoping that YOU will be their next victim, er customer so they can actually make money! At the end of the day, somebodys left holding the bag. I myself am constantly getting advice I didnt ask for. Im pitched on all kinds of ridiculous ideas from people that havent done a thing! This would be great! You should do this, or do that. The WORST one is...Why arent you doing this? Unless youve actually achieved SOME degree of results on the subject youre giving advice about, dont give advice. End of rant :)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:41:55 +0000

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