Pet peeve? One of mine is when you talk politics and slander on - TopicsExpress


Pet peeve? One of mine is when you talk politics and slander on current world conflicts when all you do is watch TV and believe it all. You are a fool and you need to go and see it for yourself to talk about it. The person behind the camera makes the story in whatever light they want, most the time its a huge lie. They show you what they think youll react to, what youll believe. Your nothing more than a pawn and a slave to their purpose. Stop rioting and acting like bottom feaders pleading for justice and mercy when last week all you cared about was your new phone or some material thing you were engulfed in. You dont care about what happens to people across the globe, your fake! You just need to be seen and heard, you feel shitty and guilty because you are a shame of a human being not because you really care. Ive seen a country torn apart by war and only a few of us were there trying to fix it while you were perfectly fine ignoring it and worrying about the next movie to come out. You sicken me with your false empathy and lack of moral code! You think you have a heart just because you feel something now? Just because you protest a conflict you know nothing about? You just want to be part of something no matter the organization, you just fear being left out of it. Your selfish, your ignorance is overwhelming, and its extremely pathetic. Simply put: shut up! Ive been there, Ive seen what ugly looks like and Im saying this cant be avoided. Its to late, the fire has started and the only way it gets better is by one side being pushed to the point of giving up. Nothing we say will stop it, no news will stop it, no rioting will stop it. We as a collective humanity end things with bullets and bombs. Humanity died when you put more precedence on your jobs than your loved ones, gave yourself to materialism, put more time Into your favorite team instead of your children, when we began to judge everyone off looks instead of character. As a body infested with cancer so have we destroyed our moral compass, so have we betrayed ourselves, so have we lost our humanity and became unfit to govern anyone or anything. What do you truly believe you deserve? We made this horror film of a world so blame yourself. The change starts with you, fix that and then maybe your ready to worry about the rest of the worlds injustice.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:54:45 +0000

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