Petar Deunov: • “Now, I am asking the following from you: Be - TopicsExpress


Petar Deunov: • “Now, I am asking the following from you: Be sincere with your self, be sincere to your soul. Each morning, during a fortnight period, just upon your awaking, ask yourself: Am I sincere to my soul? Am I ready to carry out everything that my soul wishes and whispers to me? And if I make a mistake, am I ready to apologize to my soul without self-justification, to tell the truth as it is in reality? So, as soon as you make a mistake, do not discount it, but do not either overate it–simply acknowledge it to your soul, in its bare reality (which is actually determined by the Nature). This sincerity to your soul is a necessary condition for awakening and development of your consciousness, so that you understand the things in a correct way, - i.e. without disregarding and without exaggeration. What I am implying by the word soul is man’s Divine principle, his higher manifestation in the physical world. “ • “The vibration of a healthy human system is different than the vibrations in cases of different illnesses - each disease means lowering of the vibration. The temperature should increase. This can be induced by uttering special thoughts and formulas – when uttered and ushered within the human system they change its vibration. It can be also done by watching beautiful images, landscapes, even the starry sky may serve for the healing purposes. It is advisable for sick and despondent people to look at the twinkling of stars with different light. A man can be healed and encourage by the star’s light. “ • Exercise: “When you get up in the morning, sit on the ground on your left leg; the position of your right leg’s knee should be up. The elbow of your right arm to lean against your right knee while the index finger and the middle finger to lean against your forehead, - not in the middle but by the side; (the left arm should be free and down). This is an excellent meditation posture. Direct your mind upward, towards the Eternal, toward God, and contemplate on the very peace which reigns within the realm of harmony. This is the abode of the real life. You can practice this exercise in the evening too, if you want, but do not omit the morning exercise. Practice this discipline before the morning prayer. This practicing will arouse positive feelings in you - you will be in a great mood throughout the day. I recommend this practice for four consecutive weeks, - each exercise for five minutes. Now, I want you to remember that each posture has a specific sense, has indeed a specific meaning in the Nature. It is science. Each position of the muscles, of your eyebrows, each posture in general and in each moment, develops into geometric alphabetical order. Hence, when we come to a position to master ourselves, we immediately rearrange the geometrical pattern of our muscles. This is our task. There are some people who cannot control their eyes, ears, eyebrows, mouth. A disciple should do everything with consideration.”
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:53:08 +0000

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