Peter Mullan, who stars in the new movie Sunshine on Leith, has - TopicsExpress


Peter Mullan, who stars in the new movie Sunshine on Leith, has spoken of his confidence that Scotland will vote Yes in next year’s referendum. In an interview in The Herald Magazine, he says: "I still think we can do it, but we have just a year. I still think we can turn around that 15-18% of floating voters. I don’t trust the polls." Mr Mullan told of his fears that a "dark arts campaign" by Westminster was being mounted in an attempt to derail the independence campaign, but says: "At the moment I don’t think we’re losing the propaganda battle, but they definitely have the resources and the organisation and we will find it all out in 30 years hence. "I’m not being a conspiracist, but they’ll be sitting down every day and they’ll have a team paid and employed to have one task and one task only – put spanners in the works as often as possible on a daily basis. At the moment that seems to be working and I think we have to counter that propaganda campaign. Sunshine on Leith is based on the music of The Proclaimers, who, like Mr Mullan, are supporters of the Yes campaign.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 11:38:32 +0000

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