Peter Singer, Father of the Animal Rights Movement, on the luxury - TopicsExpress


Peter Singer, Father of the Animal Rights Movement, on the luxury of eating animals: [T]o avoid inflicting suffering on animals—not to mention the environmental costs of intensive animal production—we need to cut down drastically on the animal products we consume. But does that mean a vegan world? That’s one solution, but not necessarily the only one. If it is the infliction of suffering that we are concerned about, rather than killing, then I can also imagine a world in which people mostly eat plant foods, but occasionally treat themselves to the luxury of free range eggs, or possibly even meat from animals who live good lives under conditions natural for their species, and are then humanely killed on the farm. (The Vegan, Autumn 2006) [T]here’s a little bit of room for indulgence in all of our lives. I know some people who are vegan in their homes but if they’re going out to a fancy restaurant, they allow themselves the luxury of not being vegan that evening. I don’t see anything really wrong with that.(Mother Jones, May 2006) Singers position has no more to do with animal rights than does the idea that we can all have the luxury of some slave help around the house has to do with human rights.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 13:07:34 +0000

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