(Peter signed this) Hello everyone this is john. And i am - TopicsExpress


(Peter signed this) Hello everyone this is john. And i am currently thinking about (EU:W this is your post) creating a 5v5 ranked team. As in, a try hard team. with people that have enough skill and commitment to reach a high league. I think aiming for high gold is okay for now. maybe low plat. So i will cut right to the chase: I need: A jungle A top A Mid A Sup. What do i need from you? 1) You need to know your role. if you apply as a support but you never actually cared to play support, chances are i wont take you . 2) I wont say you need to be this elo but i will make this straight I am looking for tryhards and committed,mostly commited people for this. If you are in bronze 3 for over 200 games you properly deserve to be there. So if you say that it would be not your fault is highly unlikely. But if you , say, are in bronze 1 for over a 100 games and you seem to have the commitment then we can work with eachother(that being said, while i will test you out, chances are a bette rplayer will take the spot no matter how sympathic you are) 3) I am not looking for flamers or little kiddos or iam the best anyway kiddos. However i am also looking for commited and moraly ambitious people. so a nice smart touch of self conciousness will help. People that take critic, people that can give it, people that can argue about what is best and why, if that is you, you are correct. 4) I am not asking you to have the top god tier choices of all roles, heck i am not even asking you to know how toi play them, however i want you to be able to have atleast 3 comfort picks,which are usefull for competetive gaming. katarina, akali and shaco do not count, they are not usefull for competetive gaming and youll see why you wont feel comfortable with them. 5) We will be playing from 8 pm to 11-12 pm every day except weekends (friday to sunday) . if you cant play 1 day a week than thats fine,however if your attendancy drops below 60% chances are youll be replaced really fast. 6) I cant stress this enough, i am looking for people with the commitment. i am maybe asking for alot but i am not looking for quitters after aa week or two games, or if it gets hectic. i am loooking for people that will argue about lost games or bad decisionmaking, but not actually break up the moment it gets hard rather then calming down and staying. 7) I am a very experienced and konsequent teamleader.while we can have a rooster of 9 people, i am trying to find 7,from which 2 people are stand ins. If more then 1 person applies for the role, i will take the better player and better leader personality My personal list ? 60% makes your skill 30% your communicatioN 5% your attitude 5% your leadership. I will replace you if you fall off, dont learn, or simply because you just dont fit. No offense, but a lead/captain is gotta make those calls. Nothing personal 8) Everyone hates solo Q Everyone does. if you refuse to play it because you think you dont need it to get better however you wont get better. if you refuse to play it in my honest opinion you better damn well have a great excuse otherwise it counts for me as not committed enough. So tl;dr i want you to write a short application or add me to the friendlist and then write a short application. What do i wanna know? Your name Summoner name Games played League experience role you apply for (make sure you know the meta of said role) your comfort picks short text of why you think youre fitting. Am i asking for to much? maybe But you gotta aim high and set certain standarts if you wanna weed out what is the people not fit for 5v5 rankeds. if you wanna be part of something (Hopefully ) big and you can commit a week or 2 of your time till everything work, we will be able to reach great things. Wanna know things about me? read this: Ill make it short In season 1 and 2 i was diamond,however i9n season 2 i did not really play alot. why? i didnt like the jungle changes. in season 3 i paused and hence fell off rapdily in MMR When i made my comback in season 4, i got gold 4, i had a really high mmr so i was matched wiht plats, however, again,due inactivity, i decayed to silver 4,where i am today and , to be fair, kinda belong I am still getting matched with gold 2-4s however, i am not even 20% of what i was back then, and i wont say yup,i am still a diamond. I am not However, i am an experienced teamleader I had 2 teams in lol, one of them went 1911 elo(plat in s1) and one of thjem went silver 1. both disbanned. why? internal conflicts. I also had 1 HoN team which made it really big(learned from past mistakes in lol) and went top 10 for a while I made 2 dota 2 teams, one disbanned a long while ago because we all had no time and one is still active and kicking on a medium skill level. Go ahead if you feel like youre the right person! just add me,write something here or write a mail dont be shy!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:46:33 +0000

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