Peter wrote: "Would it be ended in smoke?Mohammad Abdul Halim - TopicsExpress


Peter wrote: "Would it be ended in smoke?Mohammad Abdul Halim Biswas and his wife and their only boy child are converted to Christianity in the year 2007. When Mr. Halim was in class VIII ,they got chance to read Bengali Bible and some booklets from Every Home Contract .Simultaneously he continued Islamic religious study from Mirpur Nazmul Ulam Siddikia Senior Madrasa under Kushtia district . His father is a rich man in the village of Dharmachaki, PS- Gangni, District-Meherpur. When Abdul Halim decided to be Christian, his family members and his parents persecuted him and tried to force him back to Islam but failed. When his parents were being humiliated in the society continuously for his son’s new belief he could not but declared his son non-acceptable and unlawful and deprived him from every kinds of inheritance. The life of true struggle in Christ started for Abdul Halim and he deliberately took baptism and became Christian. However, his belief in Christ is too firm to go back to Islam. Afterwards he decided to study Christian theology and applied to CDC (Christian Disciple Centre, Dhaka) in 2009. The young couple then took chance to study Diploma in Christian Ministry there. Now they are skilled in Christianity for especially evangelical activities. It is noted that he studied and obtained undergraduate degrees from different renowned Madrasa and then they obtained the certificate on Christian Ministry from CDC Dhaka. Figure 1: Abdul Halim and his wife Julekha Biswas After finishing their theological training they started to work with direct pastoral service in different newly established Christian villages voluntarily. But they have a son named ‘Samuel’ who needs education. He is 9 and studies staying in hostel. A good hearted missionary is paying a part of Samuel’s education expense currently. They want to serve and would like to perform evangelical works but they need support to run their family with a little job security. Figure 2 : Samuel (9), son of Julekha and David Abdul Halim started to believe in Christianity They live in Meherpur. Julekha his wife inherited a piece of land from her mom. Though Julekha’s mom are very unhappy for conversion but allowed to build a room to stay .But livelihood became very impossible for Julekha and her husband. Few months ago they tried to initiate a corner shop for small trades but the initiatives failed when the area people came to know that they have become Christian from Muslim. The customers declined to zero and they have been facing many troubles of teasing and unsocial bevoiur. It seems that they are now surrounded by the wolves as Jesus mentioned in the Gospels. He learnt how to fix electrical wiring and other problems in the town from his childhood bosom friend. They joined with tGB but we have no financial capacity to support their belief in evangelical work. Now he earns from his electrical skill and afford their family but what will be about their potentiality and other valuable skill… Would it be ended in smoke? How can we help their works and belief for Christ? Please read and visit the links when you are free Please do not decide to ignore but read and response the following just a moment- Please bear with us. It is not an appeal for money but for relationship in Christ .We are new and looking forward to establishing a sustainable self reliant church which will be managed financially locally by ourselves. We need a missionary couple who will guide us in Christ. However, we need assistance for set years to be self supported and to support others for growing up in Him to know him well and make him known to all. I would like to inform you that your little effort with us might glorify our God. Please visit: cdpbangladesh/programs/ gospelbangladesh.webs Write us to know about us more please. Bmpeter9@gmail prodipchandmondal@yahoo gospelbangladesh@gmail Kind regards in Christ, tGB, Bangladesh"
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:07:55 +0000

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