Peters called Obama three different kinds of coward and defended - TopicsExpress


Peters called Obama three different kinds of coward and defended all three. “The president is a physical coward, he is a moral coward, he is an intellectual coward, and let me break that out,” he said. “Physical, well, yeah — he didn’t go, did he?” Peters explained. “But that doesn’t matter. Physical cowardice is not a big deal in a president because they don’t have to lead bayonet charges.” But some forms of cowardice are relevant in the supposed leader of the free world, the colonel argued. “Moral cowardice matters,” he said. “And this man can never bring himself to have the guts to say about any issue, ‘I was wrong.’ He clings to this issue, this idea that Islam is a religion of peace … He won’t utter the words ‘Islamist terror.’” Peters also argued that the president has largely failed to learn anything during his time in office — not surprising in someone who seems incapable of admitting that he is ever wrong. “And finally, intellectually, it’s amazing how little he’s learned in six years,” Peters said. “He’s still, as far as international relations goes, at the intellectual development level of a University of California undergraduate with a Che Guevara t-shirt.” breitbart/video/2015/01/12/peters-obama-a-physical-moral-and-intellectual-coward-that-chose-the-side-of-the-terrorists/
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:59:45 +0000

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