Pets & Alkaline Ionized Water You’ve got your water ionizer and - TopicsExpress


Pets & Alkaline Ionized Water You’ve got your water ionizer and you’re enjoying the benefits of this great “new” water. Standing at the sink, tossing back yet another glass of alkaline ionized water you notice your dog or cat standing there next to you – looking up with that “where’s mine?” expression they always seem to have when you’re in the kitchen. Is alkaline ionized water safe for pets? Of course it is – but there are a few things you should consider. Meet Xiu-Xiu. She’s my (soon to be) eight-year-old Yorkshire Terrier. Her Holistic Veterinarian says she’s as healthy as a puppy. Our secret? Raw food and alkaline ionized water. From her first day with me I taught Xiu-Xiu to bring me her bowl when it was time to eat. I take up her food bowl between meals or she’d be bringing it to me constantly throughout the day, banging it on the floor over and over again until I put something in it. Her water bowl I usually keep filled – and she doesn’t much bother with bringing that to me – she knows she’s just going to get water. I only give her water at the lowest alkaline setting – around 8.0 to 8.5 pH. Xiu-Xiu never used to bring me her water bowl when she emptied it – but she’s a very smart little dog. She now knows the sound of a water ionizer coming on. Imagine my surprise when I turned on the Jupiter Athena I have in my bathroom for my morning face wash and “clang, clang…” I looked down and there was Xiu-Xiu, asking for her ionized water. Some people report that their dogs don’t seem to like the ionized water and will just let it sit in the bowl. Not Xiu-Xiu. She now turns her nose up at regular tap water and often even bottled water. She only wants the stuff that comes from a water ionizer. If you plan to give your pet ionized water there are a couple of rules to follow. First of all, be sure to start your pet on the lowest alkaline setting. And unless there is some specific health issue or you’re just coming back in after a long hard walk or run you don’t really need to take the water above 9.0. As I said, I usually keep Xiu-Xiu at around 8.5pH at the highest. The only exception is if she’s had a particularly hard work out in the heat. Next, NEVER give your pet alkaline ionized water with their meals. The higher pH in the water will neutralize the stomach acids necessary for breaking down the food so that the body can absorb the nutrients. I put down filtered/purified water from the ionizer about an hour before mealtimes or with her meal. If your pet is on any type of medication, just like with us humans, you want to avoid letting them have alkaline ionized water within about an hour of the medication. The alkaline ionized water will speed any type of medication into their little bodies interfering with the intended absorption rate of the medication. If your pet is on any sort of nutritional supplement, giving them alkaline ionized water with this should be okay. Again, the alkaline ionized water will help speed the nutrients into their system. You may find that you have to give them less as the absorption rate is improved because of the alkaline ionized water.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:23:16 +0000

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