Pharaoh: Attitude- My Way or the Highway- by John C.Maxwell based - TopicsExpress


Pharaoh: Attitude- My Way or the Highway- by John C.Maxwell based on Exodus 10: 1-29. Does greatness of a nation automatically make its ruler great? Pharaoh seemed to think so. Not only did Pharaoh rule with absolute power, he also displayed absolute arrogance. He thought of himself as a god and demanded that others see him the same way. How ionic that the wealth of a nation, along with its power,came into Pharaohs possession through the hand of the Lords servant, Joseph (Gen. 47). But years passed, and when another servant of God approached another man sitting on the throne of Egypt, an ugly confrontation erupted. Pharaoh reveals his arrogant character through his defiant response to Moses request that he let the people go into the wilderness to worship their God: Who is the LORD, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, nor will I let Israel go (Ex. 5:2). Pharaohs pride led to arrogance, and his arrogance to rigidity. In time, his heart became stone-cold and hard. He could have written a song My Way or the Highyway. Of course, the Israelites chose the highway and headed for the Promised Land, leaving Egypt with their pockets stuffed with Egyptian gold. And Pharaohs way led his army straight to the bottom of the sea. Good morning friends and family. Wishing you all a blessed start to the week.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 06:41:16 +0000

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