Phase II of the Conversation on the Dual Citizenship Topic with - TopicsExpress


Phase II of the Conversation on the Dual Citizenship Topic with Rabbi Joe Gbaba, Featuring the Views of Ewah Paymah, Suzie Malaerts, Kaz Hanney, Curtis Danieh, and Gboimah Genegbanyan, II and Others Phase II of the Conversation on the Dual Citizenship Topic with Rabbi Joe Gbaba, Featuring the Views of Ewah Paymah, Suzie Malaerts, Kaz Hanney, Curtis Danieh, and Gboimah Genegbanyan, II and Others LikeLike · · Share Joseph Gbaba What Is Dual Citizenship and Where Has It Worked before? Below several comparisons are made concerning countries in which the dual citizenship law was passed and is successful. But first I want to begin with the definition Ewan Paymah gives regarding dual citizenship. Participants went deep into the topic and aired out their guts feelings. Ewan Paymah: “Dual citizenship is a right due to the civil war for all Liberia born in the USA and those that escaped the civil war. IT IS A RIGHT FOR ALL LBIERIANS JUST THE THE ISREALI-AMERICAN, GHANIAN- AMERICAN, SIERRA LEONE-AMERICAN ETC.” Curtis Dabieh faults those who illegally claim to have dual citizenship for impersonating as Liberian citizenship and corrupting the government of Liberia when dual citizenship is forbidden in Liberia. Therefore he categorically declares the issue of dual citizenship should be dropped off the discussion board. Nevertheless, Paymah provides a lead way when he mentioned about the corrupt government in Liberia being the Liberian people’s problem and not necessarily because some Liberians are opting for dual citizenship. He strongly believes that Liberians need to amend their constitution to adjust to the present times and this is what the dual citizenship debate is all about—amending the constitution of Liberia to incorporate important laws that will guide and protect Liberians from the hands of international thieves so that the meager financial, natural resources of Liberia may be used to develop the Liberian nation and improve the standard of living of all Liberians. Paymah argues further: “To add, even after the civil war in America, the US government passed the 14th Amendment to the constitution giving blacks and everyone equal protection. Chinese, Liberians and all foreigners enjoy the same rights and privileges. LIBERTY FOR ALL. Liberia needs to amend her constitution to meet the needs of the current times and status of all Libeians.” Paymah continues: “The system of government is the problem. Power is invested in one person. the President. therfore, if the President is corrupt, the whole nation becomes corrupt. She corupts the Judiciary, the legislators with her brown envelope. She mortgage the reosurces at the expense of the Liberian people. That is the issue and not dual citizenship.” In the following passage Paymah explains what he observed when he traveled to Ghana and realized how effective the dual citizenship law is holding in that West African nation. He laments that Liberia failed Africa by succumbing to lawlessness and self-destruction while other younger African nations are gathering resources from dual citizens and are using these resources wisely to develop Africa while Liberia is at the bottom of the economic curve because Liberians are engaged in self-hatred and self-dejection: “Dont tell me about Ghana. Ghana is making cars now. Kwane Nkrumah built Ghana during his term. The dam he built sell electricity to Cote de Ivoire and other African countries. I know how smart and educated they are. Nkrumah laid the foundation. That is the reason why they allowed dual-citizenship. I have an Africna american friend who has her home in Ghana and the USA. The African Ameircan are going to Ghana to visit whenever they want to visit Africa nowadays. Ghana is a symbol for Africa. Liberia should have been. but Liberia failed Africa… Worry about the corupt government in Liberia.” Paymah argues despite all the bickering by those who oppose the dual citizenship bill, Liberians with dual citizenship are going ahead benefiting from the best of both worlds irrespective of the fact that dual citizenship is illegal in Liberia: “Even as backward as Sierra Leone is, she has dual citizenship. Compounding the problem, you have dual citizens running Libeira anyway at present.” Paymah also refutes the assertion by William Lanford that “There are no qualified Liberians to take over after Ellen is gone. Liberians are not serious to build a strong and prosperous nation. It is all about them and their cohorts! “ In reply Paymah states: “There are more than 10000 qualified Liberians after Ellen is gone. Hopefully she will be in with Charles Taylor after her trial at the International court of Justice in the Hague after killing more than 250,000 Liberians in her civil war to ascend to the Presidency.” Paymah continues: “Those jokers called legislators just increased their own salaries without regards for the citizenry. That is tantamount to hi-jacking the nation. Ellen does not care since she is makign billions from the oil deals while they steal millions as salary. As per Ellen, If I dont bother them, they wont bother me. Jackson Selly adds to the conversation: “They call the president, yes Ma, do not worry the bill will pass.Can you imagine, law makers calling the president, Ma. Paymah critically describes Liberian lawmakers as “defacto criminals that hi-jacked Liberia. Here is what he has to say about Liberian lawmakers: “They are technically defcato criminals that hi-jacked the nation that they were elected to protect. Noitng but a travesty. Blind day light robbery , abuse of authority and conspiracy to defraud the poor and innocent Liberian people. A consitution referendum is necesary to change the terms to 2 and 4 years respectively rather than the PRC gangster constitution which they are happy to live with for 6 and 9 years. Cutis 160 plus years Liberia has been a fauilure. The same old corrupt system is being perpetuated. It has noting to do with dual citizenship.” Paymah further contends that dual citizenship should be legalized in Liberia because: “The people taht ran away from the war and their children born in the USA will not acept that corruption. Taht is the reason why most people are opposed to dual citizenship. Only a selected few dual citizens that endorse corruption are hired by Ellen government. The majority wants change and cant work for corrupt Ellen. The few corrupt ones are tarnishing the image of the majority.” Suzie K. Maleart and Kaz Hahanney brought different dimensions to the conversation. Suzie mainly dwelt on public mistrust in Liberian government officials and civil servants and wondered who would be appropriate to succeed Mrs. Sirleaf. She asks one of the participants: “Curtis Dabieh ...who will occupy the new government then ?? Who will you trust ??” At this stage of the conversation it appears that the strong anti-dual citizenship stance Curtis Dabieh took from the beginning of the conversation has begun to wane a little and he himself seems to be doubtful somehow: Curtis Dabieh: “Suzie, it is Liberians who will occupy any government that we have. And sincerely I just dont Know.” But Suzie Malaerts still asks for more answers and suggests alternative measures that should be taken to restrict impersonators who work in the Liberian government: “It is through conversations like this that we learn to understand one another Curtis Dabieh thanks , I see your point .So are you saying that the officials in the Government now..they are not Liberians? Maybe the people need to lock their American passports in a safe before they become ministers ...hahahah. And maybe No one should BE ALLOWED TO SEND MONEY OUT OF LIBERIA ! If the banks in Liberia are empty...then the economy will be down”. Below it is observed that Curtis Danieh wavers about his previous assertion that the government is comprised of Liberians with dual citizen status. He refrains from naming possible perpetrators who are impersonating Liberian citizenship but that are supposed to be U.S. citizens. Hence in a cold tone he says: “They are, but who else is not?” Suzie K. Melaerts: “Everything happens in Monrovia...hmm. Thats a wrong way to run a gov” Ewan Paymah steps in and makes a statement to allay the doubts and fears of his colleagues and to press more for the passing of the dual citizenship bill: “160 years, the Monrovia government has never developed the counties. That central government system is not good for Liberia. It is time for a federal government or Quasi-Federal government. Only the people from the various counties will develop the counties. MONROVIA WILL NEVER DEVELOP THE COUNTIES. TIME TO ELECT OFFICIALS FOR THE VARIOUS COUNTIES THAT WILL DEVELOP THE COUNTIES. TIME FOR CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM.” “It doesnt matter who occupies the next government as long as the person is qualified and competent. Waht is needed is the structured to ensure that the person does what he is suppose to do. Uplift the masses. If he or she does not, he is out. If he steals, he should be imprisoned and never to particpate in goernment. We need a constitutional reform to resturcture the government. The structure of the government has failed the people for 160 plus years. It appears to be a monkey work baboon draw governemnet from the time of the settlers.” “The corrupt people in power think taht is the best government. But we can see it from the outside that it is not. It took me 20 plus years after the civil war to come to the conclusion that the governemnt structure and leaders have failed the people. YOu have to be removed from the system before you can objectively evalute it. Having been away and live in other parts of the world where I have seen the systems worked, I can objectivley evaluate the failed Liberian system and government. A corrupt few exploiting the masses is all that it is. For 160 pus years and it has not changed.” Suzie K. Malaerts: “Well put, Ewan Paymah! The people of Liberia DO NOT TRUST ANYONE ANYMORE . Its sad. Something needs to change fast!!! Liberians need a hero !!!! The people are lost, confused and being lied to. It will take a real hero to STEP DOWN and let the people elect who they want now. Just my feeling. How can you rule a nation of people that DO NOT WANT YOU NOR TRUST YOU?? Unless its DICTATORSHIP. The PEOPLE FIRST !!!!! Gov last. A little bit of this and a little bit of that . Kaz Hahanney ....those Americo-Liberians that took the country over from the ACS were patriotic ....I believe. Peoples Patriotism is not in question here oh. In my professional view...the country and people will benefit more in such case. No one wants to invest long term in Liberia anymore...unless you are truly a dual citizen...too much to lose. This is more about feeling belonged and secured. If my company builds a Mall or a playground or 4 lane highway...I would at least want to be insured for life. I guess the government is the problem here. Gboimah Genegbanyan argues that Liberians abroad are using remittances as a justification to request for dual citizenship but he falls short of understanding how the generosity of those he and others are denying dual citizenship have helped to keep Liberians back home alive: “Sadly, Are you using remittances as justification for Dual Citizenship? Disappointingly, are you using lobbying for help for Liberia as justification for Dual Citizenship? Remittances and Lobbying originate from compassion and goodwill so im sorry!! ‘They want Dual Citizenship bcuz they are opting for Government Jobs! We are trying to rid Government of the looters so dont add insult to injury!! They dont need dual citizenship to invest in Liberia!!’ Rabbi Gbaba: Gboimah, it is not the issue of remittances that undergirds the dual citizenship debate; but instead, our chief concern is how we can fully utilize the competent manpower Liberia has abroad due to the brain drain in the country. Overtime Liberians hold the belief that anybody who knows book can handle the vast responsibilities of running a country. This is not the case. A typical example is our present President who is supposed to be a Harvard University graduate but see how deplorable her job performance is. So, sometimes it is not the type of school you attend that necessarily makes you successful in life but rather good leadership is a gift from God. It is God who provides the wisdom and knowledge every true leader needs in order to rule his nation and people. In addition, a leader must have vast knowledge about the people he or she leads and must be willing to dialogue with citizens at all levels and take keen note of the diverse views from the people in formulating national policies. None of this is being done in my opinion. The Liberian leader has been relying on old wines that were placed in new bottles but that still maintained their stale scent and tastelessness from back in the day. Nevertheless in your opinion you feel we do not need dual citizenship to invest in Liberia but I will tell you right from the get go that we do need different kinds of investments to create job opportunities for our young people like you who graduate from college and cannot find jobs to earn a livelihood. It is sad but this is the truth of the matter. Up to now President Sirleaf has ruled the country for more than six years and there is no electricity; no safe pipe borne drinking water; the highways in Liberia are in deplorable conditions; no well-equipped and well-staffed hospitals and medical staff, doctors, practitioners to attend the medical and health needs of Liberians and you say we do not need our brothers and sisters who have vast knowledge and have lived in advanced societies around the world to come and help rebuild what we have all destroyed due to ignorance, rampant corruption, jealousy, hatred, and tribalism, illiteracy, etc. You have got to be kidding me, son! Some Conclusive Statements for Phase II I want to close Phase II of our conversation with two quotes from two participants: Richard Tamba and I believe it was either Suzie Malaerts or Kaz Hahanney that made the second statement. My next discussion will address the concerns raised by some Liberians based in Europe and concerns raised by Mr. Joseph Fayiah Borbor McCabe. Have a blessed week-end and thanks for sharing your views with me. Richard Tamba: “Dual citizenship is in the interest of all Liberians irrespective of where one lives. I hope those opposing it see reason(s) to change their mind and make it a reality.” Malaerts or Hanney: “I believe that Liberia needs to think smarter and try something different....After all , almost nothing worked efficiently until now. The world might come to an end ....and the children of Liberia still arent in the lead. “ Rabbi Joe Gbaba, Sr., Ed. D. October 4, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 11:29:17 +0000

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