Phew got through the impulse trip with some really interesting - TopicsExpress


Phew got through the impulse trip with some really interesting happenings. All started tickety boo Richmond bus on time a pleasant ride through splendid scenery. That about was the beginning of the happenings. Due to mayhem caused by new development near Tescos Catterick, bus times are in tatters, I do hope road services are being upgraded to take extra traffic of course they must be or planning wouldnt have been given . The delay became a crisis on arrival at Darlo when Greggs had stopped serving bacon buns but bought my mam a cake & it wont harm my waistline. Made sure i was down for 12pm bus to Richmond so as to allow plenty of eating time in Richmond. Alas a mystery missing bus was the next set back in my dietery needs eventually got there 20 minutes late due to guess what havoc near Tesco.The seasoned traveller never lets minor set backs phase them like me you find entertainment from fellow passengers & general goings on like the 7 stone pensioner with a 5 stone young alsation who gave us all a belly laugh when the dog decided against the mans plan to get on the Barnard Castle bus in a huge hurry really good stuff. I wasnt going to even mention my second kind deed as a good Samaraton to fellow commuters, Yes a bewilderd elderly chap was distressed couldnt find his bus to Barnard Castle unlike the alsation, I found the time & bus number even put him on it , His smile & thanks were my reward .Arrived in Richmond where eating plans had to be modified as time was pressing on. Que was massive at Taylors so that was that out, grabbed a nibble from Thomass who only do instant coffee so dash to Greggs for caffeine fix. This is where my journey took a real fun turn My Leyburn bus whizzed to an abrupt halt & passengers offloaded very meekly a lady saying go easy on the driver. The as not in service shot up & Mr Angry got of & stormed to the chippy it became clear either our driver had found his wife in bed with someone or he had a painful body problem . He jumped in locked the door , sat eating & fuming. We were allowed on the bus where our drivers pent up stress & frustration soon vented itself on Mr Proctors poor bus which received a merciless thrashing as far as Bellerby where the inevitable happened & the temperature warning alarm came on. This thankfully seemed to have calming effect on our agitated pal . home.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:15:34 +0000

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